what does keypoint mean in a court case

Revision of Sentence -- A procedure by which the trial court (ordinarily the sentencing judge, unless unavailable) is asked to correct an allegedly illegal sentence or otherwise modify the sentence; as a result of the procedure, the sentence may be decreased or remain the same, but may not be increased unless done before the defendant leaves the courtroom at the original sentencing proceeding. In the United States, the right to remain silent is designed to protect a person who is undergoing police questioning or trial. You can verify this by examining the court file, and determine the status of your motion to stay. Judges are considered honorable people worthy of respect. advance your clients interests. Word abbreviations are often used in the docket entry to save time and space Sua Sponte of her own free will; Often, when a judge does something without a party to a case asking him to. Appeal -- The review of a case in a court of higher jurisdiction. Deposition -- Pretrial examination of a witness on written or oral questions answered under oath, used to discover the witness testimony in preparation for trial, and admissible at trial in lieu of live testimony if the witness is unavailable or refused to testify. What does CN mean in Tarrant County Texas? If you do not have the disposition sheet, contact your lawyer or go to the Clerk's office and look at the file. Exclusive Jurisdiction -- Jurisdiction held by only one court over the type of case. Subpoena -- A writ issued by a court that compels a person to appear and give testimony at a specified time and place. Also contains an order of the judge who determined the courtroom or administrative proceeding. The purpose of this loan is to ensure that the complainant pursues his appeal and appears in court. Case law decisions of federal and state courts on the interpretation and application of laws in specific situations; The opinions are reproduced in various volumes. Transfer -- In a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges. Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) -- A conditional avoidance of imposition of sentence after conviction; failure to satisfy the terms and conditions may cause imposition of sentence after a finding of violation of probation. Lesser Included Offense -- A crime composed of some, but not all, of the elements of a greater crime; commission of the greater crime automatically includes commission of the lesser included offense. Respondent - The alleged perpetrator in a domestic violence case. the other half being settling questions of fact, which is typically the duty of a jury, HOW DO I KNOW IF MY CASE WAS DISMISSED? Police officers usually make arrests based only on whether they have good reason (probable cause) to believe a crime has been committed. In summary, a hearing being vacated means that the court has determined that the original hearing was invalid and has reversed its decision. Generally, the standard time the police can hold you for is 24 hours until they will need to charge you with a criminal offence or release you. Citations are entered in the issuing officer's patrol car and a copy is given to the violator. 347, 353.). Bail Bond Forfeiture -- The failure to satisfy the condition of the bond, namely the appearance in court as required, causing the full penalty amount to become due. Judge Can be a judge of any court in that state, but more often than not will be a judge of the court that issued the documents you have in front of you or a judge of the court that has jurisdiction over the case before you. Peace Order -- An emergency form of relief or an order available to individuals who are experiencing problems with another person, including someone in a dating relationship, a neighbor, or a stranger. Jurisdiction -- Authority by which courts receive and decide cases. Person -- Any individual, partnership, joint stock company, unincorporated association or society, municipal or other corporation, the State, its agencies or political subdivisions, or any other governmental entity. Incompetency -- Lack of capacity to understand the nature and object of the proceedings, to consult with counsel, and to assist in preparing a defense. The judge will ask for an explanation of all the points of the complaint. Court -- Judge or body of judges whose task is to hear cases and administer justice. The answer to that question is yes. In law, a question of law, also known as a point of law, is a question that must be answered by applying relevant legal principles to interpretation of the law. Attorney Information System (AIS) - Centralized Judiciary database for Attorney Information, Attorney of Record -- An attorney who represents a party and has entered an appearance in an action. States Attorney -- A person authorized to prosecute an offense on behalf of the State or a political subdivision thereof. Counsel -- A person who is admitted to practice in a court of law and gives legal advice. Counsel -- A person who is admitted to practice in a court of law and gives legal advice. Discovery is a required process in civil court proceedings. A keypoint is a specific time in the recording when the case was called. When anybody aggrieved with the notice issued by the lending Bank to the borrower u/s 13(4) of SARFAESI Act,2002 files an application before the DRT, it is called SARFAESI Application or S.A. CCHG Case Change CCLN Circuit Court Lien Recording Fee CDEL Complaint Delete CERT Request or Certification CFAS Confession of Assets Received CLOJ Lien of Judgment Sent to Circuit Ct. CNSL Consolidated Cases COMM Comment COND Condemnation-Immediate Possession and Title Order CSNT Consent Judgment Entered DAFJ Affidavit Judgment Entered Reconsideration -- (a change or alteration) An order changing the terms of a prior order of the Court. Capital Case -- A criminal case in which the allowable punishment includes death. What are the pros and cons of automation? 1. in a criminal action, failure to appear may result in a bench warrant being issued for the persons arrest. Criminal On view arrests (coded as CROVA) are always brought in District Court, even if the case involves a felony charge. Waiver of Fees -- An action for an order permitting a person to obtain a good or service without having to pay the standard fee. Hospital Order In accordance with sections 12 to 120 of the General Health Act, a warrant of arrest issued by a court if it is determined that there is a probable reason that the said defendant has violated parole under Title 12 of the General Health Section. Arraignment -- The procedure whereby the accused is brought before the court to plead to the criminal charge in the indictment or information. Criminal assignment is the office in the courthouse which schedules hearings and trials. A senior police officer of superintendent rank or above, can decide that you need to be kept in the police station for longer than 24 hours. Jury -- A group of 12 citizens assembled to hear evidence at trial and make a unanimous decision as to guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Indictment An indictment returned by a grand jury and filed in district court. Concurrent Sentences -- Upon conviction of multiple counts/charges in one or more cases, sentences must be served at the same time, rather than one after the other (see: consecutive sentence). Burden of Proof -- The necessity of proving facts at issue in Maryland, the criminal burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt; the civil burden of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, or sometimes by clear and convincing evidence.. (See: Huger v. State, 285 Md. Bail Bond -- A written obligation of a defendant, with or without a surety or collateral security, conditioned on the appearance of a defendant as required and providing for the payment of a penalty sum according to its terms; includes a surety bond posted by a surety insurer or bail bondsman and backed by the insurers pledge; a cash bond secured by deposited cash; a property bond secured by pledged personal property or a lien on real property; and/or an unsecured bond. If you are a victim or witness in the case and have left the court before the trial has ended and would like to know the outcome of the case, you can contact the person who asked you to come to court. Court is adjourned. Writ of Seizure of Property A court order that a defendant`s property be seized and that money paid to the plaintiff comply with a judgment. Search Warrant -- A written order by a judge directed to a peace officer or constable commanding the officer to search for and seize property as described therein. Vestibulum ante justo, volutpat quis porta diam. Interrogatories -- A set of written questions for the purpose of discovery. Nolle Prosequi (Nol Pros) (Trans: to be unwilling to proceed) -- A formal motion in a case by the States Attorney, indicating that the charges will not be prosecuted. Body Attachment -- A written order issued by a court directing a sheriff or peace officer to take custody of and bring before the court: Appeal Bond -- A type of bond set by the court and filed by the appellant until the cause can be passed upon and disposed of by the superior court. Affidavit In Forma Pauperis -- Frequently used by inmates filing papers to seek waiver of prepayment of filing fees in State courts. Porto eCommerce. Can someone be convicted without evidence? Lien -- A claim upon the real property of another for some debt; the property remains in the defendants possession. What does criminal assignment notice mean in Maryland? Seizure -- The taking of a defendants property to satisfy a judgment. If the trial is postponed, you must make sure that the defendant is aware of the new hearing. Oddly, KeyPoint instead objects that adding a new proposed plaintiff via reply brief is procedurally improper. Levy -- A setting aside of the defendants property made by the sheriff or constable; this property is placed in custody of law. Revocation annulment of an arrest warrant by the court before it is executed by the arrest of the accused. It does not mean anything substantive. (Also known as an Oral Examination; formally known as Supplementary Proceeding in aid of enforcement of judgment.). ADA -- A Federal law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities (Americans with Disabilities Act). This means you will be held in the Detention Center pending your trial day and you may not be released since a bond has not been set. A prosecutors case is likely weak if it does not have enough evidence to show that you violated a criminal law. Arrest -- To deprive a person of his liberty by legal authority. A person so served becomes a third-party defendant. Do it well before the trial date. What does JM mean in court? This can occur for a variety of reasons, including the filing of an appeal, the need for further legal proceedings, or the granting of a temporary reprieve. When a case has been disposed, this means it has been closed. (Compare Probation). Judgment review A procedure in which the trial court (usually the judge, if not available) is asked to correct an allegedly unlawful judgment or vary the judgment; Following the trial, the sentence may be reduced or remain the same, but may only be increased if the defendant leaves the courtroom at the time of the original sentencing. A lawsuit that has already commenced in court may need to be continued until a problem or scheduling conflict is resolved. Many people charged with a crime wonder whether a jury or judge can convict you without physical evidence? Shielded Record - A record or information in a record removed from public inspection by a judge or commissioner. Certified Mail -- Mail deposited with the US Postal Service, with postage prepaid and return receipt requested. Crimes of Violence -- Maryland Law provides a definition for Crimes of Violence as they relate to mandatory sentences in certain crimes and crimes of violence relating to pistols and revolvers. Clemency: Also referred to as executive clemency, clemency is the power a president possesses in federal criminal cases to offer a legal reprieve to a person convicted of a crime. Duis nec vestibulum magna, et dapibus lacus. Of no practical importance. 1Password is a password manager that makes life easier for everyone in your office. If possible lead with the strongest argument. Specific reasons for a case being closed can include dismissal, conviction, admission of guilt, among other reasons. The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! Custody case The type of proceedings in which the court determines which parent, other adult or authority should have physical control over a child. Complaint, Criminal -- A charge brought before a judicial officer that a person named has committed a specified offense. Statute -- An act of the General Assembly declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something. (See: Attorney of Record) Crime -- A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the state classified either as a felony or misdemeanor. Appellate Court of Maryland -- Marylands intermediate appellate court wherein review is ordinarily a matter of right. Court Records -- All official records maintained by the clerk or other personnel pertaining to any criminal action or proceeding for expungement, including indices, docket entries charging documents, pleadings, memoranda, assignment schedules, disposition sheets, transcriptions of proceedings, electronic recordings, orders, judgments, and decrees. Washington search warrants served after Bryan Kohberger's arrest were sealed for two months in the Idaho murders, but the judge said they may come out sooner. Accomplice -- A person who knowingly and willingly assists the principal offender in the commission of a crime. Summary Trials are the trials which are speedily disposed and with the simplified procedure of recording the trials. The court may also order a fine as a condition of probation or supervised release. Why do police say you have the right to remain silent? 13.35 Visual identification evidence that is exculpatory of the accused does not come within the definition of identification evidence in the Dictionary of the Evidence Act 1995 (NSW). Order - The decision of the court on an application, objection or other matter relating to a preliminary point or stage of the proceedings. Select the most easily defensible position that favors your case. Quash -- To set aside or to make void; with respect to process, such as a summons or subpoena, to void on motion of the person served. Enforcement -- Action taken to obtain compliance with a court order. . Bill of Particulars -- A demand by a defendant in writing, unless otherwise ordered by the court, seeking specific factual details about a civil complaint or criminal charge; in a criminal case, the purpose of the bill of particulars is to guard against the taking of an accused by surprise by limiting the scope of the proof. Waive/Waiver -- Giving up a legal right voluntarily, intentionally, and with full knowledge of the consequences. If your case is pending in Tarrant County, Texas, CN means consultation docket. When you're done, the program automatically generates your completed forms, along with detailed instructions on what to do next. This is the factory or production systems level. Detinue -- An action for the value of goods. Tenant Holding Over (THO) -- A landlord-tenant action filed by the lessor to repossess certain leased premises which the tenant has not vacated after notice. OFPP. A praecipe is a legal writ issued either to the clerk of a court or to a person in whom the court has an interest. Sequester -- Separate or isolate; for example, to separate witnesses from each other, to separate property from a party and place it in the custody of the court or a third person, etc. Post Conviction -- A procedure by which a convicted defendant challenges the conviction and/or sentence on the basis of some alleged violation or error. Jurisdiction The power with which courts accept and decide cases. and so on. If youre charged with a crime, youll know about it, sooner or later. Writ of Garnishment of Wages -- An order of court commanding that a portion of the defendants wages are deducted regularly and paid to the plaintiff to satisfy a judgment. 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