tasmanian tiger sightings nsw

The video was posted on YouTube, and shared in the Sydney subreddit on social media site Reddit. In 1938, a Thylacine was said to be shot at Mawbanna. ", "A week later, on Sunday 10th April we returned to Mr Turners property after he phoned us, to say that what might have been the same animal had returned the night before, leaving chew and scratch marks on his fowl house door, and more tracks around the area of the dam. Leaping from his bed, Mr Pereira went torch in hand to investigate his trap. By Cameron Baud and Bryce Luff / VIC News. The animal had escaped into scrubland that extends eastward to a gully, which drops down into the Grose Valley, where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported seen by campers and bushwalkers to the present day.". It stopped for a second as I approached, looked towards me, then quickly left the road into scrub. The Tasmanian Tiger was a sandy brown-yellow and had dark stripes wrapped around its back. ", Source: Gilroy, Rex. Christian, who now lives at Seal Rocks, remembers the experience as clear as day. It was the movement of its pelvis and its shyness and the way it dropped its head and pushed its pelvis up and hopped into the bush that alerted me to the fact that this was a different animal to any Id seen before. He has since co-authored a book on mainland thylacines with his wife: Gilroy, Rex and Gilroy, Heather. (1982). Its buttocks were tapered toward the tail. It was not a wild dog nor kangaroo". In 1978 one friday I had done a days work, come home packed the car, driven 60 km into the Barringtons, set up camp, drank 2 cans of beer, it was on the darker side of dusk when i went to have a close look at a tree just out side the head light beam of my car when I heard a noise, I turned my head and about 4 feet (1.3 m) from me in the light beam of my car a tasie tiger walked past me.". It was not a Facebook group, and I don't remember what the organisation was called. Clive said that there were no foxes up there in the Whian Whian Range. . Two adults and a juvenile. It was greyhound-like, the head was like that of a kangaroo, particularly because of its kangaroo-like ears that stood straight up, the ribs were tucked up and the rump was uplifted. [reprint of an article in a previous edition (2016) of the same newsletter]. They weighed 33 to 66 lbs. I believe the animal was heading for a gully that drops down into the Grose Valley, where other striped-bodied, dog-like animals [surely Thylacines] have been seen by people over many years. Lopping once again and this time I was closer and still it made no sudden movement like it wasnt scared of my car. She stated that it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. Each time it was in the evening, after dark, between 6pm and 8:30pm if I remember correctly. These few houses were situated on the east side of the Great Western Highway, with an oval across the road on the western side [the community no longer exists]. I was 2-3 metres from it for several minutes. I saw the animal from a somewhat oblique angle, and the head was not clearly visible. ", "25th February 2006, Saturday night, 11 pm, Palm Avenue in Mullumbimby; Kali saw a strange animal running across the road. Zabloc saw an animal near the Minyon Falls turnoff on Repentance Creek Road that could have been a Thylacine. As such it generally moved at a slow pace. ", "6th February 2006, Mullumbimby, Left Bank Road, Sunday morning, 6:10 am; Alisha and her mother were going to the market and when they pulled out of Yankee Creek Road and went round the bend they saw a strange animal that was too big to be a cat and that was not a dog or a fox and it had stripes across the back, rounded ears & a long stiff tail.". From a17ab7a789aa20e5c49f7f9de9dca94c364755b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: BOB603049648 603049648@qq.com> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2021 18:48:33 +0800 Subject: [PATCH . She stated that it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. It was the size of a small dingo but with an elongated, slim body and the hind quarters was more prominent. The Tasmanian tiger is still extinct. They never did see any sign of it again. It was covered with short golden-fawn fur with black shadowy marks on the fur tips across the rump like vague bands. It was probably heading for the nearby Grose Valley, he said.". Now extinct, a Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) is seen in the Hobart Zoo in Tasmania in 1933. Most data was collected from old material. The last thylacine, the official name of the Tasmanian tiger that was the Australian island's apex predator, died in a zoo in Hobart in 1936. It looked like a stretched-out greyhound, 30% longer in the body than a dog. Like most marsupials, the female had a pouch hence the scientific name Thylacinus Cynocephalus meaning dog-headed pouched-dog. The location was 40 miles south of Singleton on the Putty Road. The head, he observed, appeared too big for the body, and from the mid-back to the tail rump were faint black coloured body stripes.". At that time sheep were being killed and torn up in Hartley Valley by a Tasmanian Tiger-like beast, and that is what I believed ran in front of my car. One bounty hunter suggested it was a lost species of extinct Tasmanian Tiger. I have studied the flora & fauna in this locality for decades and so was very surprised to closely observe an animal that I was completely unable to identify and I made a drawing of it in my diary that evening. I've never seen nothing like it again. As we passed thick roadside scrub, an animal almost the size of a full grown Alsatian dog, with fawn-coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes, ran across the highway in front of the car. A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. With the bag over the animals head they were able to safely release it back into the wild. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two-storied,shingle-roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside asecond house, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine moving slowly across the roadfrom the Club House towards two houses. June 2003, about 8.30pm to 845pm, Robyn Simon was driving with a friend, Rebecca Jackson, on Acacia Street past Katoomba. We could not see stripes. Fabiola was driving and so Michael was able to examine the animal closely from only 2 metres away and observed that it was 60 to 70 cm high and 1.3m long, the length of the body quite long when compared to its height. The creature had escaped into scrubland which extends eastward to a gully which drops down into the Grose Valley-where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported by campers and bushwalkers to the present day. The Tasmanian Tiger is to Australia what Sasquatch is to North Americaa creature that has often been sighted but never actually corralled, by deluded amateurs. Without hesitation, he put down his soup spoon, seized his gun from the wall, pushed a couple of cartridges into . Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. It must be the boofiest pademelon head around, he says. I have rung and reported this to my local veterinarian.". , made the news after allegedly spotting a Thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019. Suddenly we saw sitting in the road ahead an animal which at first we took to be a dog. Driving on deeper into the range we stopped to investigate an extensive tract of swampland, whose muddy shoreline contained paw prints of wombats, wallabies, bandicoots, possums and dingos. Tasmanian tigers grew to between 39 and 51 inches, with a 20-inch tail. There were no visible markings on the body, although he thought the rump was perhaps darker than the rest of the animal, which had a tan colouring. Various reported sightings may be the key to finding the thought-to-be-extinct Tasmanian tiger, formally known as Thylacinus cynocephalus or, the thylacine. It looked just like that". Earlier last year, on the road between Ballina and Eltham, just after the Alstonville turnoff, dad and my brother saw something similar. Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service acknowledges and pays respect to Tasmanian Aboriginal people as the traditional and original owners, and continuing custodians of this land and acknowledges Elders - past, present . My friend who was with me describes it as follows, it looked like a kangaroo but it walked rather than hopped. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable. Source: Gilroy, Rex. We sighted it again a couple of days later from a distance, and finally on the third occasion I was fortunate enough to get an excellent view of it. We all believed we had seen a Tasmanian Tiger. "We live on a sugar cane farm close to Murwillumbah in North Eastern NSW. The difference, of course, is that Sasquatch is entirely mythical, while the Tasmanian Tiger was a real marsupial that only went extinct about a hundred years ago. He stopped and had a look but the animal had run off unhurt.". Two km to the south-west of the Green Frog Caf & general store he and a friend saw in the car headlights an unusual animal cross the road 6 to 12 metres in front of them. ", "19th February 2006, 5.30 am, North Ocean Shores; John & Pat had set off from their home at New Brighton for the Pottsville Market, where they would set up a pottery & jewellery stall, and had only reached the small bridge north of Redgate Road at North Ocean Shores travelling at 50 kph when they saw 2 strange animals standing on the road. It reminded them of a Fossa or a civet and definitely was not a fox, dog or cat. *It had strong powerful hind legs*smaller front legs*A long stiff tail that pointed straight out. ", "The Winter of 2022 will be remembered by Heather and I for the number of Blue Mountains bushland sightings of of Thylacines at least a dozen. Over the years we have kept the location of the swamp and gully a closely guarded secret, to give these marsupials an opportunity to increase their numbers, and keep away unwanted human interference. Spooky to see the drawing on the web site and realise what it might be!", "the tasmania tiger is thriving around bilambil Hieghts Inner bushland, it was spotted only a couple of weeks ago by 2 well educated people driving up hogans road, it ran across the road into the bushland, description was a huge tan brown dog cat like creature with black stripes down it side, they said it didnt look like a dog and was much bigger but did resemble a big cat panther like but simarlarities of both, thet said it was fast but they still got plenty of vision of this creature", "During May 2010 a female Thylacine and cub were seen moving through bushland not far from Wombeyan Caves by campers. "14 years ago I was working as an assistant to a geophysicist during a large survey 30 or so miles out of Broken Hill when we began sighting a very strange creature almost on a daily basis, usually in the mornings as wed arrive to begin our work. What did I see:* It was the size of medium to large dog* It moved like NOTHING else I had ever seen before. In the series of images, the one photo Mr Waters is confident is a tiger joey, experts believe is probably a Tasmanian pademelon joey. It stood half a metre tall and was about 1 metre in length from nose tip to tail. The animal had been walking across the highway [usually quiet on a weeknight] when we saw it, forcing the woman to brake quickly. It was completely unconcerned by the presence of his car and he closely examined it for 5 minutes before it walked off. (2022). ", "2003, Upper Main Arm; bush regenerator Mark had a close observation of a thylacine-like animal at midday and observed its striped back and stiff tail as it stood near the roadside. He expected to catch up with the animal with ease because of its disability but was surprised that when it became aware of his cars approach, it raced off along the roadside with incredible speed. It was just loping like a lion does with really solid legs., Ms. Bates said that she had been walking in the area for many years and had never seen anything out of the ordinary. It was greyhound in size, covered in a dirty golden-brown short fur with no distinct stripes and a long tail that sloped down to the ground and back up again. The Tasmanian tiger was a carnivorous marsupial found in Australia and New Guinea until its extinction in the 1930s. I did find a not too well-preserved long heel embedded in moist soil. ", "One lady in particular swears she saw one near a supermarket in Brighton Le Sands N.S.W. Robyn noticed the tail itself was 2ft [61 cm] in length. Christian Kopp (11 at the time) and his father saw a thylacine when collecting firewood. This time it was coming down the slope from the right, jumped down the bank onto the road & continued down the slope as if it regularly used the same animal track. Rex Gilroy believes so. A couple were spotlighting near Torington, when they saw three thylacines. (year?). It was small in size, light golden coloured with a very long snout and rounded ears, a long pointy tail, and stripes on its back. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Sat 30 Nov 1811, p. 2. ", "That month Mr Ron Perry was picnicking with his family in the valley around 3pm one day on the bank of the Cox River Picnic Ground. The animal vanished off the highway into the darkness in seconds into roadside scrub. On 13 May 1930, in the Mawbanna district of north-eastern Tasmania, farmer Wilf Batty was eating his lunch when he heard a loud squawking coming from the direction of his chicken coop. ", "On Thursday afternoon 28th January 2015, on a Blackheath fire trail, above a gully Rex Gilroy found a number of Thylacine paw prints in a sandy patch. Its head was not dog-like; it had a short muzzle with pointy ears, a proud stance and kangaroo-like hips. These tracks were however barely half an hour old, and we were able to follow the movements of the Thylacine, observing how it had emerged from a nearby gully to move through foliage to the muddy shoreline, and walk along it for some metres, before stopping to drink at the waters edge, then return the way it had come. A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. The animal then bounded off up an embankment out of sight.

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