new york supreme court part rules

(b) Each Response shall state: (i) whether the objection(s) interposed pertains to all or part of the request being challenged; (ii) whether any documents or categories of documents are being withheld, and if so, which of the stated objection(s) forms the basis for the responding partys decision to withhold otherwise responsive documents or categories of documents: and (iii) the manner in which the responding party intends to limit the scope of its production. (i) Use at Trial. (1) Proceedings pursuant to Title 1-A of Article 7 of the Real Property Tax Law may be heard and determined by a judicial hearing officer. (12) Applications to stay or compel arbitration and affirm or disaffirm arbitration awards and related injunctive relief pursuant to CPLR Article 75 involving any of the foregoing enumerated commercial issues. (i) Upon the filing of an assignment, the court, upon application, may stay any prospective sale or transfer to enforce a lien against property in the custody of the court, whether by a secured creditor, a judgment creditor, a lienor or otherwise. (2) Subject to meeting the jurisdictional requirements of subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) of this section and filing an RJI in compliance with subsection (d)(l) above, the parties to a contract may consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court by including such consent in their contract. 8. Hon. In the event that a party objects to this procedure or timetable, the parties shall request a conference to discuss the objection with the court. (a) Dispositive motions to dismiss or motions for summary judgment; (c) If the notice or subpoena to an entity does not identify a particular officer, director, member or employee of the entity, but elects to set forth the matters for examination as contemplated in section (b) of this Rule, then no later than ten days prior to the scheduled deposition: Added Sept. 15, 2014, eff. (a) A notice or subpoena may name as a deponent a corporation, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government, or governmental subdivision, agency or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity. The County Clerk or his or her designee may scan and e-file documents that were filed in hard copy in an action subject to e-filing or maintain those documents in hard copy form. A filing agent (other than one employed by a governmental entity) shall e-file a statement of authorization from counsel of record in an action, in a form approved by the Chief Administrator, prior to or together with the first e-filing in that action by the agent on behalf of that counsel. Jan. 2, 2003. (c) The order appointing a receiver or assignee shall incorporate subdivisions (a) and (b) of this section. Section 202.10 Appearance at Conferences. (h) Reports of Pending Motions in the Supreme Court. Counsel are encouraged to work together to select a mediator or neutral evaluator that is mutually acceptable and may wish to consult any list of approved neutrals in the county where the case is pending. (d) Time Limitations. Court . (2) At the pretrial conference, the court shall fix a date for the commencement of trial, which shall be no later than eight weeks after the date of the conference. Amended (k)(3) & (k)(7) on Oct. 5, 2010 In an electronically filed proceeding, the decision and order shall be posted with the NYSCEF site, which shall constitute filing with the County Clerk. Where the requested charge is from the New York Pattern Jury Instructions - Civil, a reference to the PJI number will suffice. In addition to complying with the provisions of CPLR 2101, every paper filed in court shall have annexed thereto appropriate proof of service on all parties where required, and if typewritten, shall have at least double space between each line, except for quotations and the names and addresses of attorneys appearing in the action, and shall have at least one-inch margins. 202.16 Matrimonial actions; calendar control of financial disclosure . Sec. The clerk may require that a self-addressed and stamped envelope accompany the request for judicial intervention. The trial judge shall establish time limitations for the questioning of prospective jurors during the voir dire. (d) No party shall challenge the validity of any oath or affirmation administered during a remote deposition on the grounds that. Any application for temporary injunctive relief, including but not limited to a motion for a stay or a temporary restraining order, shall contain, in addition to the other information required by this section, an affirmation demonstrating either that: (a) notice has been given; or (b) notice could not be given despite a good faith effort to provide it or (c) there will be significant prejudice to the party seeking the restraining order by giving of notice. The court shall, on application of any party, or on its own motion, confirm or disaffirm the referee's report; such report shall then be reviewed only by appeal to the Appellate Division. (iii) Are there less costly or less burdensome alternatives to secure the necessary information without recourse to discovery of ESI; Absent advance permission of the court, reply papers shall not be submitted on orders to show cause. establish their case. (8) Continuous Calendars. WebAll matters before Part 48 are governed by the Rules of the Commercial Division, 22 NYCRR 202.70, except as supplemented, modified, and/or superseded by the Part 48 Procedures (g) In the event that the party examined intends at the trial to offer evidence of further or additional injuries or conditions, nonexistent or not known to exist at the time of service of the original medical reports, such party shall, within 30 days after the discovery thereof, and not later than 30 days before trial, serve upon all parties a supplemental medical report complying with the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, and shall specify a time, not more than 10 days thereafter, and a place at which a further examination may be had. (6) All parties are required to appear at the hearing. The court may further direct that any agreements reached in this regard shall be reduced to a written stipulation. 7. Papers shall be double-spaced and contain print no smaller than twelve-point, or 8 x 11 inch paper, bearing margins no smaller than one inch. Where appropriate, the order will contain specific provisions for means of early disposition of the case, such as (i) directions for submission to the alternative dispute resolution program, including, in all cases in which the parties certify their willingness to pursue mediation pursuant to Rule 10, provision of a specific date by which a mediator shall be identified by the parties for assistance with resolution of the action; (ii) a schedule of limited-issue discovery in aid of early dispositive motions or settlement; and/or (iii) a schedule for dispositive motions before disclosure or after limited-issue disclosure. Historical Note Motions for reargument may be made after decision is rendered, and must be made within 30 days after service upon the moving party of a copy of the order entered on the decision, with written notice of its entry. Such notice shall provide sufficient information in plain language concerning e-filing. Adjournment of a conference will not change any subsequent date in the preliminary conference order, unless otherwise directed by the court. The Coordinating Justice shall have authority to make any order consistent with this section and its purposes, including to remand to the court of origin any portion of a case not properly subject to coordination under the administrative order of the Panel; assign a master caption; create a central case file and docket; establish a service list; periodically issue case management orders after consultation with counsel; appoint and define the roles of steering committees and counsel of parties and liaison counsel, provided that the committees and counsel shall not deprive any party of substantive rights; issue protective orders pursuant to Article 31 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules; establish a document depository; direct the parties to prepare coordinated pleadings and deem service upon liaison counsel or steering committee service upon the respective parties; require service of uniform requests for disclosure and establish a uniform method for the conduct of physical and mental examination; rule upon all motions; require the parties to participate in settlement discussions and court-annexed alternative dispute resolution; and try any part of any coordinated case on consent of the parties to that action. Section 202.61 Exchange of appraisal reports in eminent domain proceedings. (7) Exhibits and other documents in hard copy. (1) The Court may require that electronically submitted memoranda of law include hyperlinks to cited court decisions, statutes, rules, regulations, treatises, and other legal authorities in either legal research databases to which the Court has access or in state or federal government websites. (f) The preliminary conference order may provide for such limitations of interrogatories and other discovery as may be necessary to the circumstances of the case. Whenever reliance is placed upon a decision or other authority not readily available to the court, a the court may direct counsel to submit a copy and counsel shall otherwise follow Rule 6 with respect to hyperlinking. Donate enough money, and you can get direct access to the nine justices. Section 202.47 Transcript of judgment; receipt stub. If sales, leases or other transactions involving comparable properties are to be relied on, they shall be set forth with sufficient particularity as to permit the transaction to be readily identified, and the report shall contain a clear and concise statement of every fact that a party will seek to prove in relation to those comparable properties. Historical Note These shall comply with the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section. (f) Reinstatement of Note of Issue. The trial of such issues shall be had and the subsequent proceedings in relation thereto shall be such as are prescribed by the CPLR. Once a trial date is set, counsel shall immediately determine the availability of witnesses. Charged-off consumer debt means a consumer debt that has been removed from an original creditors books as an asset and treated as a loss or expense. (1) Every paper served on another party or filed or submitted to the court in a matrimonial action shall be signed as provided in section 130-1.1a of this Title. In the event a filer shall file and serve documents in hard copy pursuant to this sub paragraph, each such document shall include the notice required by the immediately following sub paragraph, and the filer shall file those documents with the NYSCEF site within three business days thereafter. Section 202.29 Settlement Conference Before a Justice Other than the Justice Assigned to the Case. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a)(1) of this Rule, the propriety of and timing for depositions of non-parties shall be subject to any restrictions imposed by applicable law. (a) The court may direct that counsel submit pre-trial memoranda at the pre-trial conference, or such other time as the court may set. Amended (a)-(e); added (f)-(g). (7) The affirmative on the accounting shall be with the assignee; the objections to the account may be presented to the court or designated referee in writing or be brought out on a cross-examination. (1) Uncontested matrimonial actions, proceedings for dissolution of marriages and applications of declaratory judgments shall be assigned to judges or special parts of court as the Chief Administrator shall authorize. Section 202.57 Judicial review of orders of the State Division of Human Rights; procedure. Historical Note 11. section 202.33 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts. The note of issue and certificate of readiness may not be filed until the completion of expert disclosure. (2) Exemption of represented parties.Notwithstanding the foregoing, an attorney or a representative of a property owner designated as such as provided in Real Property Tax Law 730 (small claims assessment filing agent), shall be exempt from having to file and serve documents electronically in accordance with this section upon filing with the County Clerk and the clerk of the court in which the action is or will be pending a form, prescribed by the Chief Administrator, on which the: attorney or small claims assessment filing agent certifies, in good faith that he or she: (4) The party opposing any motion shall be deemed to have admitted, for the purpose of the motion but not otherwise, such facts set forth in the moving party's statement of net worth as are not controverted in: (i) a statement of net worth, in the official form prescribed by this section, completed and sworn to by the opposing party, and made a part of the answering papers; or. (2) Emergency exception. filed Jan. 28, 2002 eff. (g) On the face of all notices of motion and orders to show cause, there shall be a statement that there has been compliance with this rule. Sept. 3, 1993. At the pre-trial conference or at such time as the court may direct, each party shall identify in writing for the court the witnesses it intends to call, the order in which they shall testify and the estimated length of their testimony, and shall provide a copy of such witness list to opposing counsel. Where a motion is brought on by order to show cause, the court may set forth in the order that oral argument is required on the return date of the motion. Following the MSC, the parties will advise the assigned justice whether a settlement was reached, and if a settlement was reached, a date by which the parties expect to complete documentation of the settlement. (2) The matters to be considered at the conference may include, among other things: (i) applications for pendente lite relief, including interim counsel fees; (ii) compliance with the requirement of compulsory financial disclosure, including the exchange and filing of a supplemental statement of net worth indicating material changes in any previously exchanged and filed statement of net worth, and, including the number and length of depositions, the number of interrogatories, and agreement of the parties to comply with Guidelines on Electronically Stored Information. The court presiding over a non-jury trial or hearing may direct that prior, or during, the trial or hearing, counsel for the parties consult in good faith to identify those aspects of their respective experts' anticipated testimony that are not in dispute. Christopher Modelewski Part17 Hon. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, and subject to such guidelines as may be established by the Chief Administrator, the County Clerk or his or her designee may require or permit a party to file in hard copy, in accordance with procedures set by the County Clerk or designee, an exhibit or other document which it is impractical or inconvenient to file electronically. time-consuming aspects of litigating a commercial case, the Commercial Division (a) Upon the trial of an action, the following papers, if not yet submitted, shall be submitted to the court by the party who has filed the note of issue: (1) copies of all pleadings marked as required by CPLR 4012; and. (e) Parties relying solely on hospital records may so certify in lieu of serving medical providers' reports. 7, 2022, effective April 11, 2022, Amended Rule 4 on April 1 2022,effective April 18, 2022, Amended Rule 19-a (b) on Apr. 202.20-d Depositions of Entities; Identification of Matters. A court may deny or modify disproportionate requests or order disclosure on condition that the requesting party advance the reasonable cost of production to the other side, subject to the allocation of costs in the final judgment. (4) The County Clerk shall assign a small claims assessment review filing number to each petition and, in proceedings commenced by filing in hard copy, shall retain one copy and shall forward two copies within two days of filing to the clerk designated by the appropriate administrative judge to process assessment review petitions. (b) By a date agreed to by the parties or at such time set by the Court, the responding party shall serve the Responses contemplated by Rule 11-e(a)(ii), which shall set forth specifically: (i) whether the objection(s) interposed pertains to all or part of the request being challenged; (ii) whether any documents or categories of documents are being withheld, and if so, which of the stated objections forms the basis for the responding party's decision to withhold otherwise responsive documents or categories of documents; and (iii) the manner in which the responding party intends to limit the scope of its production. In all other commercial parts, counsel shall submit the pre-trial memoranda and requests to charge in a Word document, 12-point type, and submit the copy of trial exhibits in an indexed binder or notebook. Except in cases before justices who require oral argument on all motions, the court will determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether oral argument will be heard and, if so, when counsel shall appear. (4) User ID and password; use by authorized person. The Chief Administrator shall submit a report no later than the first day of November of each year to the Governor, and to the legislative leaders set forth in section 10-a(2) of chapter 507 of the Laws of 2009, on the adequacy and effectiveness of the settlement conferences, which shall include number of adjournments, defaults, discontinuances, dismissals, conferences held and the number of defendants appearing with and without counsel. (F) a statement of the compensation to be paid to the witness for the study and testimony in the case. Courtesy Copies. . (d) Consultation Regarding Expert Testimony. (1) Any party to a tax assessment review proceeding may demand, by application served on all other parties and filed with the court, together with proof of such service, a preliminary conference, or the court on its own motion may direct a preliminary conference. (4) Except as otherwise provided by law, every notice or citation, subpoena, and all process shall issue out of the court under seal and be attested by the clerk. The County Clerk may affix a filing stamp to orders or judgments by stamping the original hard copy document before filing it electronically or by affixing a stamp to the document after it has been electronically filed. The court may require the parties to provide working copies of documents filed electronically. (b) For purposes of this Rule, a hyperlink means an electronic link between one document and another, and a bookmark means an electronic link permitting navigation among different parts of a single document. Special proceedings authorized by subsection (d) of section 9-518 . Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision, where documents are required to be filed and served electronically in accordance with such paragraph (1), such documents may nonetheless be filed and served in hard copy where permitted by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of section 202.5-b of these rules. Amended (b)(2), (b)(4), (e)(4), (f)(3), & (f)(4) on May 24,2013. (3) At the close of the conference, the court shall direct the parties to stipulate, in writing or on the record, as to all resolved issues, which the court then shall "so order," and as to all issues with respect to fault, custody and finance that remain unresolved. . (b) Parts of Court. (d) In cases brought before paperless commercial parts, counsel shall submit the pre-trial memoranda, copy of trial exhibits and requests to charge on a USB flash drive. (b) A request for judicial intervention shall be filed, without fee, for any application to a court not filed in an action or proceeding, as well as for a petition for the sale or finance of religious/not-for-profit property, an application for change of name or change of sex designation, a habeas corpus proceeding where the movant is institutionalized, an application under CPLR 3102(e) for court assistance in obtaining disclosure in an action pending in another state, a retention proceeding authorized by article 9 of the Mental Hygiene Law, a proceeding authorized by article 10 of the Mental Hygiene Law, an appeal to a county court of a civil case brought in a court of limited jurisdiction, an application to vacate a judgement on account of bankruptcy, a motion for an order authorizing emergency surgery, or within the City of New York, an uncontested action for a judgment for annulment, divorce or separation commenced pursuant to article 9, 10 or 11 of the Domestic Relations Law, and an application for an extreme risk protection order. (5) In all original creditor and debt buyer actions, the affidavit of non-expiration of statute of limitations set forth in subsection (e), effective October 1, 2014. In the event a filer shall file and serve documents in hard copy pursuant to this paragraph, each such document shall include the notice required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of section 202.5-b, and the filer shall, as required, file those documents with the NYSCEF site within three business days thereafter. Sec. Expert disclosure provided after these dates without good cause will be precluded from use at trial. All applications made to the court under section 428 of the Real Property Law shall also be made to the appropriate part or judge, upon eight days' notice to the city or county treasurer and all other parties who have appeared in the proceeding to recover for loss or damage or deprivation of real property out of the assurance fund provided for by law. A consent to e-filing in an action shall state that the party providing it agrees to the use of e-filing in the action and to be bound by the filing and service provisions in this section. Upon entry of an order or judgment, the NYSCEF site shall transmit to the e-mail service addresses a notification of receipt of such entry, which shall not constitute service of notice of entry by any party. If the action has not been assigned to a judge, the party shall file a request for judicial intervention together with the request for a preliminary conference. Counsel for each party shall also submit to the court at the preliminary conference and each subsequent compliance or status conference, and separately serve and file, a statement, in a form prescribed by the Office of Court Administration, certifying that counsel has discussed with the party the availability of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms provided by the Commercial Division and/or private ADR providers, and stating whether the party is presently willing to pursue mediation at some point during the litigation. (ii) Notification. In all actions in which the accounts of a receiver appointed in an action for the dissolution of a corporation are presented for settlement or to be passed upon by the court, a notice or a copy of an advertisement requiring the creditors to present their claims to a referee must be mailed, with the postage thereon prepaid, to each creditor whose name appears on the books of the corporation, at least 20 days before the date specified in such notice or advertisement. (4) At the conclusion of the deposition, a statement shall be made on camera that the recording is completed. Since its inception, the Commercial Division has implemented rules, procedures and forms especially designed to address the unique problems of commercial practice. It can also be mandatory for all citizens in the case of national plans. No memoranda in response shall be submitted. All such exhibits must contain exhibit tabs. 2020, effective February 1, 2021. These papers shall include: (i) statements of net worth, which also shall be filed with the court no later than 10 days prior to the preliminary conference; (ii) all paycheck stubs for the current calendar year and the last paycheck stub for the immediately preceding calendar year; (iii) all filed State and Federal income tax returns for the previous three years, including both personal returns and returns filed on behalf of any partnership or closely held corporation of which the party is a partner or shareholder; (iv) all W-2 wage and tax statements, 1099 forms, and K-1 forms for any year in the past three years in which the party did not file State and Federal income tax returns; (v) all statements of accounts received during the past three years from each financial institution in which the party has maintained any account in which cash or securities are held; (vi) the statements immediately preceding and following the date of commencement of the matrimonial action pertaining to: (a) any policy of life insurance having a cash or dividend surrender value; and. Adjournments on consent are permitted with the approval of the court for good cause where notice of the request is given to all parties. No proposed order should be submitted with motion papers on a dispositive motion. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, whenever a trial by jury is demanded on less than all issues of fact in an action, and such issues as to which a trial by jury is demanded have been specified in the note of issue or in the jury demand, as the case may be, served and filed pursuant to section 202.21 of this Part, the court without a jury first shall try all issues of fact as to which a trial by jury is not demanded. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amd. The following procedures shall govern all disclosure conferences conducted by non-judicial personnel. WebThe Supreme Court Historical Society exists to preserve the courts history and educate the public about the courts importance in American life. But in reality, this "charity" collects donations from those seeking to influence the court. (c) Each numbered paragraph in the statement of material facts required to be served by the moving party may be deemed to be admitted for purposes of the motion unless specifically controverted by a correspondingly numbered paragraph in the statement required to be served by the opposing party. Section 202.44 Motion to confirm or reject judicial hearing officer's report or referee's report. (e) A subpoena must advise a nonparty entity of its duty to make the designations discussed in this Rule. (5) all other papers material to the application.

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