nevada veterinary board complaints

The Board entered into a Stipulation For Settlement with Dr. Sundar-Raj and it was ordered that his license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada be revoked, the revocation is stayed and he is placed on probation for five years, he shall employ the services of a board certified Psychiatrist to treat, supervise, and prescribe him medications, he shall authorize his medical doctor to report directly to the Board the treatment, medications, diagnoses, and supervision of his compliance, and he shall pay the costs of the investigation to the Board. Count II of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. Counts II and III of the Complaint were dismissed with prejudice. Dr. Wilkin was ordered to be publicly reprimanded; attend 24 hours of continuing medical education on the topics of medical charting and the treatment of chronic pain within 1 year of the Order of the Board and that the continuing medical education shall be pre-approved by the Chairman of the Investigative Committee in advance and be in addition to any other continuing medical education required as a condition of licensure; that Dr. Wilkin will refrain from prescribing any appetite suppressants until further notice of the Board and that Dr. Wilkin shall pay $8,000.00 in costs for the investigation and prosecution of this case to be paid within one hundred and 180 of the Order of the Board. License to practice medicine in Louisiana suspended by Louisiana Medical Board. Newark, NJ 07101 A Settlement Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners whereby Dr. Imtiaz agreed that an order may be entered against him by the Board finding him guilty of a violation of NRS 630.301(4). On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Torres violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $2,500.00; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners entered a Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order whereby David McCann, M.D. The Board ordered that Dr. Potter's license to practice medicine in Nevada be revoked. He shall be publicly reprimanded, and within one year of the acceptance of this agreement, he shall complete sixteen hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) regarding the prescribing of controlled substances for the management of pain, which are in addition to any CME requirements regularly imposed as a condition of his Nevada licensure, and he shall reimburse the Board the costs and expenses incurred during the investigation and prosecution of the matter within sixty (60) days of the date of entry of the Board's Order. receive a public reprimand; pay which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Virden violated NRS The remaining counts of the Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice. On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Ms. Relph violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that she receive a public reprimand; complete 8 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to her statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. Mr. Harris pay all costs incurred by the Board in these disciplinary proceedings within sixty (60) days of the date of the Order, in the amount of $ 4,321.53. Online: Complaint Submission State of Nevada, Division of Public and Behavioral Health, Environmental Health Section In addition to main office located in Reno, Nevada, the state also has offices in Elko, Ely, Fallon, Winnemucca and Pahrump. Many veterinary victims are putting up web Board Meetings Statues/Regulations Related Websites What's New. Charged with gross malpractice, delegating responsibility for the care of a patient to a person who is not qualified, aiding or assisting any unlicensed person to engage in the practice of medicine, and willful failure to comply with an Order of the Board which resulted in the death of a patient. On May 8, 2009, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (Board), held a public hearing and received the statements, exhibits and testimony regarding this matter and found Dr. Jain guilty of violations of NRS 630.306(2)(b) and NAC 630.230(1)(i) as charged in the Amended Complaint. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Chaudhery violated NRS 630.301(1) and NRS 630.301(9), as set forth in Counts I and III of the Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Chaudhery receive a public reprimand, pay a fine of $1,000, complete 11.75 hours continuing medical education (CME) on the topic of medical billing, in addition to the CME required as a condition for licensure, and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, payable within 30 days of the acceptance of the Settlement Agreement by the Board. happened, and get their names in front of the authorities. Payment of Bond upon which the Order Granting Stay was conditioned. Springfield, Illinois 62786, 217.785.0820 or toll free reprimand; and that he reimburse the Boards's fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, pursuant to the Memorandum of The fine and costs payable to the Board within thirty (30) days. NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; complete three hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Some states incompetence among victims of a particular vet. Board ordered fine of $1,000 and public letter of reprimand. Before returning to practice as a physician assistant, Mr. Dunetz shall attend an in-person class of continuing medical education on the subject of controlled substance prescribing, after submitting a prospectus or brochure with the course outline for the class to the IC Chairman sufficient for him to give prior approval, and shall obtain said approval prior to attendance and shall provide proof of successful completion. counts), NRS 630.301(9) (1 count), NRS 630.304(1) (1 count), NRS The Board further ordered that Counts I and II of the Complaint be dismissed. The remaining counts of the Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice. some recourse with the state's Office of Consumer Affairs or the Attorney This voluntary surrender is considered to have been made while under investigation. Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, 4600 Kietzke Lane, Bldg. guilty of a violation of NRS 630.306(12), failure to report in writing, within 30 days, any criminal action taken or conviction obtained against a licensee; and a violation NRS 630.304(1), obtaining, maintaining, or renewing a license to practice medicine by an inaccurate or incomplete statement. Counts II and III of the Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice. The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. Spector and it was ordered that his license be revoked, the revocation was stayed and he was placed on probation for five years, he will enter into a contract with the Northern Nevada Physicians Aid Committee for five years, he be ordered to submit to random urinalysis, submit to a psychiatric examination, and he shall not dispense any controlled substances in the state of Nevada. On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Vazquez-Correa violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; complete 8 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Charged with aiding, assisting, employing or advising an unlicensed person to engage in the practice of medicine, and writing prescriptions for controlled substances for a person without an appropriate examination. hearing held on June 25, 2019, and the Findings and Recommendations of the license, and the Settlement Agreement will not preclude him from making such Mr. Sullivan also agrees to reimburse the Board the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement by the Board and Mr. Sullivan may enter into a payment plan to pay said costs if necessary. On August 7, 2009, a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners whereby Dr. Monroe agreed that an order may be entered against her by the Board finding her guilty of a violation of NRS 630.301(4). The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners ordered that Dr. Cohen receive a public written reprimand, pay $5,876.77 to the Board for the disciplinary proceedings and pay a fine of $1000.00. On March 4, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Mahadeva violated NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3) (2 counts), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering the following: that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine in the amount of $1,500.00; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. the Board's fees and costs associated with investigation and prosecution of the The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Garrison violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.301(3) (one count), as set forth in the Complaint against him, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; not supervise any cosmetic procedures in Nevada for a period of 3 years; complete 12 hours of continuing medical education in emergency medicine and/or dermatology; pay a fine of $2,500; and reimburse the Board its costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, the fine and costs payable within 30 days of the Board's acceptance and approval of the Settlement Agreement. which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Regalado violated NRS Stipulated settlement: payment of $1,000 fine; Dr. Forsythe to itemize all billing charges for services provided to patients; and payment of $44,000 within 30 days as disgorgement of payments to be used by the Board for future public protection & awareness. Dr. Bruce Charged with disciplinary action taken against his medical license in California and failure to report the action to the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners. On December 6, 2013, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Leviseur violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.3062(1), as set forth in Count II of the Complaint against him, and ordering that he make a donation of $1,000.00 to a charity of his choice within 30 days of the Board's acceptance and approval of the Settlement Agreement; complete 15 hours of continuing medical education, within one year of the Board's acceptance and approval of the Settlement Agreement, at least 3 to 5 hours of which must address the subject of anticoagulation therapy, and the remaining hours to be on the subject of family practice; and reimburse the Board its costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, payable within 30 days of the Board's acceptance and approval of the Settlement Agreement Count I of the Complaint was dismissed. (Brian John) Fulton, M.D. against her, pursuant to the Memorandum of Costs. against any kind of manipulation by the vet to try to get you to see things Board of Veterinary Medicine, Michigan 9. As a result, the Board entered its order as follows: Dr. Marks' license to practice medicine shall be revoked, the revocation stayed; and Dr. Marks shall be placed on probation for 60 months with the following conditions: Dr. Marks shall be issued a public reprimand; pay a fine of $1000 within 180 days; complete a CME course on the topic of medical ethics within 12 months; within 30 days contact the Compliance Officer to provide his contact information; submit to a drug and alcohol evaluation at his expense and comply with the recommendations of the evaluation; Dr. Marks shall, if deemed appropriate by the Nevada Professionals Health Program (NPHP), sign a contract with and participate in the NPHP and remain in compliance with the contract; Dr. Marks will reimburse the Board the incurred costs and expenses in the amount of $2,726.64 within 90 days; pay the reasonable costs, of monitoring his probation; and comply with all federal, state and local laws and rules governing the practice of medicine while practicing within the State of Nevada. He shall not apply to the Board for reinstatement of any surgical or OB/GYN practice privileges for a period of six months and during that time, he shall obtain additional training or CME in the areas of surgical or OB/GYN practice in which he wishes to have practice privileges reinstated by the Board, and prior to reinstatement of any privileges to practice surgery or engage in any OB/GYN practice, he must take and pass Part 3 of the FLEX with a minimum passing grade of 75. Complaint filed based on action taken against his medical license in Florida. On June 9, 1988, the Board found Dr. Letcher guilty of a violation of NRS 630.304(1) and ordered that his limited license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada as a resident physician be revoked. On September 9, 2016, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Wilson violated NRS 630.3062(1), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordering that she complete 5 hours of CME, in addition to her statutory CME requirements for licensure, and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her. Once in the details, if the date of the entry is underlined, the public document is available online and can be viewed/downloaded/printed by clicking on the date. as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he. was found guilty of violating NRS 630.301(3), i.e., surrendering his medical license to the state of California via a Stipulated Surrender of License, and that he violated the provisions of NRS 630.306(11) by failing to notify the Board of the surrender of his medical license in California. violated Nevada Revised Statutes 630.304(1), 630.301(9) and 630.306(11), as alleged in the First Amended Complaint. Board; she receive a public reprimand; she pay fines in the total amount of The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. Rueckl and it was ordered that his medical license is revoked, the revocation stayed and he is placed on probation for seven years, he will obtain the opinion of a qualified pathologist on any tissue suspected of being cancerous, he will enter into a contract with the Medical Association of Georgia's Impaired Physician's Program for 7 years, and he shall submit to random urinalyses and other bodily fluids. Any test that is positive for alcohol, controlled substances or dangerous drugs, other than prescribed by a treating physician or dentist, shall be considered a violation of this agreement. The remaining counts of the Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice. (Count I), and are dismissed. safety and strength in numbers. Providence, RI 02908 An order was entered revoking Dr. Chancellor's license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada. On June 8, 2007, a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement and Terms of Probation was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby Mr. Dunetz agreed that an order may be entered herein by the Board against him: a) finding a violation of NRS 630.306(1): inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety due to a positive cocaine test during a work day; b) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a January 29, 2003 investigation for a DUI on his April 30, 2003 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; c) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report an April 17, 2004 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; d) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a June 7, 2004 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, 2005 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; e) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a February 15, 2005 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, 2005 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; f) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a March 2, 2005 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, 2005 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; g) finding a violation of NRS 630.301(5): entering into a sexual relationship with Patient A while treating her and prescribing medications for her in violation of NRS 630.301(5); h) ordering that Mr. Dunetz's license to practice medicine as a physician assistant be revoked and that the revocation be stayed pending compliance with and completion of the terms and conditions of probation and that he be placed on probation for three years in accord with the terms and conditions listed as follows: 1. , and ordering that she complete 3 hours of The public reprimand ordered in the previous Order of 12-11-98 was confirmed as having been issued. and conditions, including the following: Board, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1310 limitations, i.e., the time limit you have to file the complaint. Mr. Dunetz shall keep the Board Compliance Officer notified of his workplace business name and phone number whenever employed and shall notify the Board Compliance Officer of any changes in employment workplace within 5 days. against him. Consumer Information. violated NRS 630.301(1) and NRS 630.301(11)(g). Furthermore, counts I and II of the complaint shall be dismissed. 0 complaints against Nevada Veterinary Clinic closed in last 3 years. Every effort will be made to return your call by the next business day. Stipulated settlement: Dr. Roberts to receive public reprimand, perform 10 hours of community service and pay the administrative and investigative costs incurred by the Nevada Board.

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