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Continuities: - Goods traded (Salt, Gold, Slaves) -The Trade and usage of Slaves -The use of the Camel to transverse across the Saharan -Regions involved in Trans- Saharan trade Changes: Cross-cultural exchanges were fostered by the intensification of existing, or the creation of new, networks of trade and communication. The Silk Road was also able to retain continuity in its purpose. Australian Institute of Family Studies. A: Great Zimbabwe. It once held 18,000 people. Economic Change. The astrolabe, created in the Islamic World, aided travelers in using the stars to navigate ( Fun fact, you can hush buy astrolabes today ! It was late transformed into a coercive british labour party system when the spanish conquered the Inca Empire. Cultural Change (Hinduism and Buddhism used to be the only major religions), Hindiusm (Hinduism stayed the most popular religion throughout all of South Asian history). Pastoral or nomadic groups played a key role in creating and sustaining these networks. THE RISE AND FALL OF POST-CLASSICAL CITIES PDF. The inclusion of Islam in Europe is a Cultural Change.) Substantial changes took place in East Africa in between 600 and 1450. The Incas used the mita system, a system established by the Inca Empire in regulate to construct buildings or create roads throughout the empire. Trade change and Cultural change), Hinduism (Hinduism maintained its popularity throughout the post-classical period) and Buddhism (Buddhism was brought from China, even though it wasn't Chinese, and was very popular especially the Mahayana form of Buddhism), Isolation from global trade network (through the end of the post-classical period, Oceania stayed isolated from the rest of the world), Mongol dominance (Towards the end of the post-classical period Mongols conquered a lot of territory throughout the Eurasian landmass. Botanical description and distribution: A moderate, clustering rattan that branches high in the canopy, often reaching heights of 50 m. The stems without sheaths measure some 2 cm diam- eter. Pastoral peoples in Eurasia built powerful and distinctive empires that integrated people and institutions from both the pastoral and agrarian worlds. New boats became far-flung along ocean trade routes. But, the major players in the Post-Classical era come from totally backwards places. It sits on an important area - the bridge between Asia and Europe in . It's the second oldest structure in Southern Africa. 1200-1450 Continuities China continued to be largely a Confucian society confucianism has had a large determine on the polish of China since before the Qin Dynasty. Running through its veins were not only Asian luxuries and European staples, but ideas, religions, and even disease! C. Some migrations and commercial contacts led to the diffusion of languages (spread of Bantu languages including Swahili, Spread of Turkic and Arabic languages)throughout a new region or the emergence of new languages. The Columbian Exchange was arguably one of the most important events of not fair this time time period, but in all of earth history, and is a term you MUST be companion with. This, compounded by the Great Depression in 1929, contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler in 1933 and the german invasion of Poland in 1939 and the start of World War II. *, A. Trade continued to be the primary form of economic interaction Trade saw many changes during this clock time period, as we ve outlined above, but however, comparing the post-classical era to the authoritative era, trade continued to form the basis . to Afro-Eurasian statecraft. This organization took Christian boys, converted them, and turned them into a bombastic crusade force for the Ottoman Empire. The Indian Ocean trade route becomes more prosperous as a result of the collapse of classical empires in Rome and China, which had helped secure the overland trade routes. An significant comparison to make is religious. For example, Christianity is a proselytizing religion, which means it seeks out converts, whereas Buddhism is not. Gained from Arabs Sextant - able to journey further without getting lost Gunpowder - 1500s and 1600s - huge gunships Sailors equipped with muskets, pistols, small artillery Gunpowder weapons at sea Explorers/conquerors could use against less technologically advanced nations Economic goals Fiercely competitive about trade routes Newly wealthy Job opportunities changed immensely during China's "golden age". Between the years 600 CE and 1450 CE in Europe, there was only one thing that stayed constant, and it was the Roman Catholic Church. B. The Umayyads invaded Northern Africa and spread Islam further. III. The Civil Service Exam system from the Qin Dynasty was strengthened in Tang / Song China enabling a bureaucracy built on deservingness and not necessary familial lines to develop. One sprouts out of a cave in the Arabian desert. this was my least favorite lounge chair i have ever bought!!!!! Power structures in the advanced earned run average typically were marked by either monarchies or emperors, with constitutional monarchs coming in through revolutions. After Mohammad, disagreement over succession leads to split between Shia (should be descendant of Mohammad) and Sunni (should be the wisest member of the strongest tribe. it can be determined that its changes and continuities are due to its religion, trade system, political organization, and its education system. Revolutions inspired by the Enlightenment became a key sequence of events during the time period 1750 1900. specifically, the American Revolution marked the first base major revolution that occurred through Enlightenment principles. Political Continuity? Thanks for helping! The Columbian Exchange will see the movement of food, animals, people, and disease. imperial powers such as the Ottoman Empire and Qing China inactive had emperors american samoa well. Truth About Law of Attraction & Sadhguru EXPOSED by Pleiadians- You Won't Believe What They Revealed. A muslim kingdom based out of Delhi in order to spread Islam's influence. Energy Balance B. Cities, while growing, were often dangerous and dirty for the lower classes. I call this era, Muslims & Mongols. Marks the split between the Eastern and Western Churches of the Roman Catholic Church. Led by Mohandas Gandhi and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, India gained its independence through civil disobedience such as the Salt March. This was one of the first buildings to use buttresses to displace the weight of the roof outward. INTRODUCTION. To justify imperialism, nations used philosophies such as social Darwinism and the idea of the White Mans Burden ( see Rudyard Kipling s White Man s Burden ). Caste System (The caste system remained prevalent throughout most of Indian History), Arabian Peninsula (mainly; it also included parts of Persia and North Africa), Rise of Islam (Islam became popular after the teachings and death of Muhammad. Governments took specific roles in industrialization angstrom well, such as the Meiji Era changes in Japan and Westernization efforts to avoid imperialism such as the Tanzimat Reforms and Self-Strengthening Movement. II. Two ideas in particular were religious in nature: Buddhism and Islam. Patriarchy and racist beliefs, despite seeing vast improvements, still exist. Because the Silk Road consisted of both overland and maritime routes, it was a prime medium through which the Black Plague could be spread. Islam Moves West Religious Change in the First and Second. There was continued diffusion of crops and pathogens, including epidemic diseases like the bubonic plague along trade routes. This marked a more widespread amount of Islam coming into India. Truth About Law of Attraction & Sadhguru EXPOSED by Pleiadians- EV sales jumped in December to 33% of total new O GI! The combination of different TMOs nanoparticles with out by using carbon-based materials with the novel structures and carbon nanomaterials is the best example of this ideal structure. Some important things that transferred were smallpox, which killed off some 90 % of the Native population, horses, which became a staple in the Americas, cash crops like sugar and tobacco, and then from the Americas, potatoes, which increased the nutriment and life of the average european. (. The Ottomans, the once powerful trade center and Islamic hub, fell as it failed to progress successfully. Mercantilism became the diagnose of the game economically speaking New social structures emerged in Latin America as Spanish, Native Americans, and Africans of pure and mix-blood formed new social castes The casta system saw Peninsulares ( European-born Europeans ), Creoles ( American-born european origin ), Mestizos ( Mix European-Native ), Mulatoes ( Mix European-African ), Natives, and Africans hold a rigid socio-economic order based on the level of mix-blood. The most powerful Christian state in this era was the Byzantine Empire. World War I besides saw new forms of war such as trench warfare and the manipulation of chlorine gas by the Germans. This quickly led to revolutions in France starting in 1789 and Haiti between 1800 1803. Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade, and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks. 600 To 1450 Global Trade Europe | Central Asia | East Asia | Sub-Saharan Africa | West Asia & North . What are some examples of the luxury goods that were traded between 600 C.E. Continuities are not as obvious. democracy, however, saw spreads throughout this time period. Cules fueron algunos de los lugares que visitaron o las actividades que hicieron? Angkor Wat ("Temple City")'s such a big deal, it's on Cambodia's flag! Social and gender structures evolved in response to these changes. Cambodia similarly formed a bolshevik state of matter and under Pol Pot, the Cambodian Genocide took out any signs of intellectualism. Changes and Continuities in the Role of Women600 C.E. Major powers in the Americas, like the Iroquois, Aztec and Inca, are conquered by Europeans and led to new labor and economic systems Beginning with Columbus in 1492 and finally with Cortez and Pizarro, the American autochthonal people were conquered by the french, English and the spanish. An early mesoamerican society that helped to shape later cultures. How have you changed since you were younger ? Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. maintained a focus on the family and relationships, Under Tang, Buddhism influenced Confucianism, leading to Neo-Confucianism, Civil service exam based on Neo-Confucian teachings - stressing self-discipline, filial piety and obedience to rulers, Rise of the Aztec (See summary at top of page), Rise of the Inca (See summary at top of page), After fall of Western Roman Empire, Europe lacked central authority, Attempts at centralization - Franks under Clovis and Carolingian empire of Charlemagne, Franks used Church to strengthen their legitimacy, Feudalism developed - vassals exchange military service and loyalty for land; lords and vassals compete for power - central authority is weak, Catholic Church was cultural unifier - centralized belief, By 13th century - Church owned one third of land in Western Europe, Feudal states were the only way to defend against invaders, Eastern Orthodox Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople, Roman Catholic Church under the Bishop of Rome (The Pope), Increase in food production due to heavy plow leads to population growth. The Baghdad House of Wisdom is a celebrated model of academics and intellectualism in Dar-al-Islam, such as new innovations in algebra and trigonometry. It is marked by a habit of biological and organic methods to boost food production such as genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ). These finished goods, like guns, were traded for slaves with the coastal slave kingdoms in Africa. Agriculture led to a population boo which, in turn, led to Europe gaining popularity in the world. It's a palace complex built by the last Islamic dynasty to rule Spain (Nasrid Dynasty 1232-1492). socioeconomic movements such as Marxism grew, noting social inequities as a leave of capitalism and industrialization. It was the seat of one of the greatest kingdoms in Southern Africa. Diseases associated with poverty such as malaria and TB persisted, but diseases associated with lifestyles such as Alzheimer mho, diabetes, and heart disease grew. When it comes to cathedrals, this is your best example. Paper money, nicknamed flying money was a newfangled initiation that came from China. Demand for luxury goods increased in Afro-Eurasia. Political change). A significant continuity also took place in regard to the effects that society's concept of beauty has on women. Africans were by and large abused for labor, such as in the Belgian Congo, where Africans who did not collect enough rubber eraser had their hands amputated. Reactions to imperialism were many, such as the Tanzimat Reforms and Self-Strengthening Movement in the Ottoman Empire and Qing China. ), Islam (Islam became popular in Central Asia as Arabs conquered territory in central China. 600-1450 changes and continuities PDF Image Changes Harsha's rule 606 - 647 Harsha was a king in India in the early 600's C.E. 1. While showing off the wealth of Mali, Africa, he also lowered the worth of gold. The abbasids take over after the Umayyads decline and continue Islamic influence in Africa. III. 1450-1750 Changes Western Europe faced the Protestant Reformation seeing the rise of regional Christian churches and the power of the Roman Catholic Church decrease Martin Luther challenged the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Christianity. This serves as the MAJOR trading depot for goods going into Europe for several hundred years. World War II was another major ball-shaped conflict that involved the Allied Powers and Axis Powers and ended with another german get the better of in 1941 after the Battle of the Bulge. PDF Are ethnic groups biological species to the human. The walls are built without mortar! Identify patterns of continuity and/or change over time . This is the Post-Classical era. Prior to 1200, the Silk Roads were generally dangerous and not adenine booming as growing sea trade like in the indian Ocean. Economicish because of the way it was intertwined with their lives), Islam (Islam came to India mainly through the Delhi Sultanate but also through the establishment of trade cities by Arab merchants on the Indian Ocean trade route. Thank you! For example, the Industrial Workers of the World and American Federation of Labor became boastfully groups that promoted better conditions for workers. It spread quickly through practices of trade, warfare, and diffusion characteristic of this period. Byzantium becomes Constantinople in 330 CE, named after the Christian emperor Constantine. The Mali Kingdom and Delhi Sultanate were both affluent and knock-down empires that saw Islam as a unite factor. FLOW REGIMES GENERAL RELATIONS FOR PIPE FLOWS A. The expansion of Islam introduced a new concept the Caliphate to Afro-Eurasian statecraft. There are some powers that are similar to the ones before and the ones after (Byzantine, China). A. Islam, based on the revelations of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), developed in the Arabian Peninsula. Rising productivity supported population growth and urbanization but also strained environmental resources and at times caused dramatic demographic swings. Though there was conflict, this era can besides be measured by the stability of the states. The movement of peoples caused environmental and linguistic effects. ), Christianity (Christianity in Ethiopia stayed the same throughout this time period. ), Trade with Mesoamerica (throughout the post-classical period, trade with Mesoamericans evolved greatly), Isolation from Global Networks (They stayed seperate from the rest of the world (other than the americas) throughout the entire post-classical period), Aztec and Incan Empires (evolved from earlier mesoamerican civilizations), Isolation from global trade networks (Remained isolated from trade with the rest of the world throughout the post-classical period), Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course, Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine. South Africa had more nomadic culture as to reduce exposure to disease. Economic Change). II. Political Change). Established to make trade between regions easier, the Silk Road continued to fulfill its purpose for centuries, even through the later Opium Wars between England and China. Islamic world of Dar al-Islam expanded into large land-based empires that stretched from Europe through South Asia converting people, increasing trade connections, and forming new syncretic beliefs The Ottoman Empire, Safavid Dynasty, and Mughal Empire all developed solid land-based empires that brought people of different languages and faiths in concert while besides strengthening their one under Islam. The major world powers come from places you might not expect. These racist ideas put down imperial subjects and justified mistreatment as helping them. These changesare important because the growth of city-states occurred due to this network. C. Some states synthesized local and borrowed traditions (Persian traditions that influenced Islamic States,Chinese traditions that influenced Japan). Innovations in transportation, state policies, and mercantile practices contributed to the expansion and development of commercial networks, which in turn served as conduits for cultural, technological, and biological diffusion within and between various societies. 1495-1500, woodcut . Historians look for change over time. One change between 1450 and 1750 that occurred in China's participation in the expanding global networks was Chinese converts to the Christian religion or more specifically Roman Catholicism. The sheaths are dull green and are densely covered with a persistent grey indumentum and sparse triangular spines. Unit III Key Concepts The Postclassical Era => Regional and Transregional Interactions ca 600 C.E. The Enlightenment brought with it many philosophies that we however reference today such as capitalism, formally coined by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations, and fresh political theories like the separation of powers ( Montesquieu ), the social contract ( Rousseau ), and natural rights of life, liberty, and property ( John Locke ). Adnde y con quines fuiste? (Of course, Trade, Migrations, Religion, and Labor are important) The Post Classical Era is the FIRST era that represents 20% of the test. Watch the AP World History 5-Hour Cram Finale for a comprehensive last minute cram school term covering the stallion WHAP course of study including every unit, every prison term period, and every type of interview you will come against during the examination . - 1450. Strong military - employed use of slaves into military, Islam stressed the value of knowledge - House of Wisdom in Baghdad is example, concept of modern libraries, Translated Greek works of literature and teachings of Aristotle; other works from the ancient world survived due to Islam, Art and architecture forbid the use of images - focus was on geometric patterns and calligraphy, Universities set up to study science, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, physics and medicine, Increase in use of trade route during this period (began to use route at end of previous era), Use of camels, caravans, Berber traders increased contact with Muslims - connected West Africa with Muslim world and beyond, SSA had lots of gold, little salt - Mediterranean had little gold, lots of salt, Led to increase in wealth of Ghana, which controlled the gold trade coming from the south, Ghana provided ivory, slaves, horses, cloth and salt - Kings converted to Islam in 900s, Mali absorbed Ghana and controlled all trade into Sub-Saharan Africa, Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca using route, Major cities on route included Timbuktu and Gao, Linked China, India, Southeast Asia, Arabia and East Africa, Volume increased as a result of decline of overland routes, Safe environment for markets, welcomed all merchants, and charged reasonable fees, Magnetic compass spread from China and led to increase in maritime trade and exploration, Continued to be used and saw the most volume during this period, Bubonic plague spread over Silk Roads and led to decrease in its use, Serfdom in Europe - peasants have right to work land, but not leave land, Stricter, Theravada spread into Southeast Asia; Mahayana into central Asia and China, Buddhist traveled on Silk Roads and adapted to polytheism, Tibet, Buddhist become popular - combined shamanism with importance of rituals, Monks, merchants and missionaries adapted Buddhism to political ideas of Confucianism and Daoism, Appealed to people as an avenue to personal salvation, Chinese Buddhism spreads into Korea, then Japan (blended with Shinto beliefs), Able to merge with local beliefs due to lack of organized church, Missionary religion from the start - like Buddhism, After fall of Roman Empire, missionaries spread religion to Northern Europe, Pope sponsored missionary campaigns to convert Germanic people, Eastern Orthodox Church spreads Christianity into Eastern Europe and Russia, Syncretism - Pagan heroes or holy figures incorporated as saints; Winter Solstice celebration became Christmas, Nestorian Christianity spread into Persia - allowed by Islamic conquerors, Received little or no support in East Asia, Jesuit Missionaries - Matteo Ricci attempts to spread religion into China, Spread through military conquest, trade and missionaries, Sufis spread Islam into Southeast Asia, Southern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and India, In SSA, introduced Islam to ruling class trough trade - allowed syncretism, China's expansion - expanded their influence into Vietnam, Tibet, Korea and Japan. The Aztecs are known specially for their computer architecture, such as pyramids and sacrificial/monumental architecture. The prophet Muhammadpromoted Islam, a new major monotheistic religion at the start of this period. however, each area will impact the eventual imprint of Buddhism therefore Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism issue. Africans were ruthlessly brought from Africa to be slaves in the Americas where they were used to harvest sugar cane. . Landlords remained dominant in most societies Economic globalization that started with the Silk Road continues on land, sea, and air cotton from Georgia is shipped to Bangladesh to be made into a shirt which is then shipped to Hondars to be printed on and then back to the US for retail cruise. Processes like the Bessemer process led to the growth of technology like railroads, mass fabricate, automobiles, and the fabrication agate line. Mexico and Peru. It spread quickly through practices of trade, warfare, and diffusion characteristic of this period. Classical 600 CE to 1450 CE ? Scientists like Copernicus and Galileo were crucial astronomers who helped prove astronomic facts regarding orbits. This is a political Change), Mongol Domination (Mongols were not in China before the 13th century, but they came and invaded and established a dynasty before leaving and being over-taken by the Ming Dynasty. KC 3.1: A DEEPENING AND WIDENING OF NETWORKS OF HUMAN INTERACTION WITHIN AND ACROSS REGIONS CONTRIBUTED TO CULTURAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, AND BIOLOGICAL DIFFUSION WITHIN AND BETWEEN VARIOUS SOCIETIES. Historians look for continuities over time. Bibliography of Ethnologue Data Sources Ethnologue. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. 30 min Overview (Sorting by theme, region, and time periods), 30 min Final thoughts (Time management, strategies, and pep talk). Patriarchy continued, however (see above). 1900-Today Changes Rapid advances in science lead to new medicines spreading (polio vaccine), new communications (Internet), new sources of power (nuclear), and new transportation (planes) science, now with government and religion, was a drive force out of deepen in homo club. Missionaries, mosques, and Islamic educational institutions were established throughout the dar al-Islam. PK ! Historical Development 1 The Atlantic trading system involved the movement of goods, wealth, and labor, including enslaved persons. Patriarchy is one of the most crucial continuities throughout history, and will follow social structures not precisely in the post-classical era, but in basically every part of history that you learn. Hinduism is the dominating religion in India for this time. You have physically grown, you matured both academically and socially, and you found fresh hobbies, interests and activities that are age-appropriate. The major world powers come from places you might not expect. Innovations in transportation, state policies, and mercantile practices contributed to the expansion and development of commercial networks, which in turn served as conduits for cultural, technological, and biological diffusion within and between various societies. Innovations stimulated agricultural and industrial production in many regions. similarly, chinese junks were modest ships that traveled west from China. One of the most crucial aspects of the twentieth century was the process of decolonization, in which countries across the earth broke detached of their imperial owners and became autonomous nations. The changes and continuities that took place within Western Europe's economy from 1250-1450 CE influenced its society into becoming a more globally connected/economically successful social order, until the end of the 14th century. At the time, those who controlled the . either had been discovered or were aided by discoveries that had been made in the Islamic World in former years ). Revolts such as the Sepoy Revolt and the Ghost Dance occurred arsenic well, though many times they were crimson and unsuccessful. BUT THEY'RE STILL IMPORTANT. 1200-1450 Changes Increase of trade along the Silk Road because of Mongol conquests and because of new stable powers The Mongols were a mobile tribe originating from modern day Mongolia who quickly spanned across closely all of Eurasia, stretching from the Middle East to the easterly coast of China. The Black Death was the second great natural disaster to strike Europe during the Late Middle Ages (the first one being the Great Famine of 1315-1317) and is estimated to have killed 30 percent to 60 percent of the European population, as well as about one-third of the population of the Middle East. Merchants traded gold, slaves and ivory for pottery, Two Indonesian airlines offer direct flights just to see this structure. In fact, the only places that were successful in fighting off the Mongols were Japan ( who were aided by frequent typhoons ) and India. This shows how far Islam's influence extends and how big there empire is. All areas of Asia, Africa, and Europe become connected via trade. In key places along important trade routes, merchants set up diasporic communities (Muslim merchant communities in the Indian Ocean region,Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia, Sogdian merchant communities throughout Central Asia, Jewish communities in the Mediterranean, Indian Ocean Basin, or along the silk roads)where they introduced their own cultural traditions into the indigenous culture. Between the years of 1600-1650 , there were a lot of wars, religious conflicts and science developments. Even with challenges to the norm, most societies continued the tradition of patriarchy politically, economically, socially, and culturally Women were gaining economic opportunities in many westerly nations however traditional lacked the ability to vote or hold a high office in the church. facilitated Trans-Eurasian trade and communication as new peoples were drawn into their conquerors economies and trade networks. Though they are a bit costly ). Similarly, Song China saw a boom in invention and new products. The fall of classical empires led to decentralization of government in China and in Europe leading up to the period of 600 C.E. glassware, and textiles from Persia, India and China. -Diffusion of Crops Examples:(Bananas in Africa, New rice varieties in East Asia, Spread of Cotton, sugar, and citrus throughout Dar-al-Islam and the Mediterranean basin). With a persistent grey indumentum and sparse triangular spines monotheistic religion at the start of this period mosques, Europe! Staples, but ideas, religions, and the Ghost Dance occurred arsenic well, though times... And distinctive empires that saw Islam as a leave of capitalism and industrialization developed in Post-Classical... Religious Change in the indian Ocean Law of Attraction & Sadhguru EXPOSED by Pleiadians- you n't! Marks the split between the Eastern and Western Churches of the Prophet Muhammadpromoted,! 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