i hate my husband because of his mother

The home doesnt sound like a good place for a baby, especially once it is mobile. Maybe next time fucking wait till you have your shit together? If hes trying his best to make you happy, the least you can do is to appreciate him. She specifically said she wants her husband to forget about his promise because he is married now. This is particularly if he cannot seem to function without his mother. Check the following practical methods when you dont know what to do when you dislike the man youve married: An excellent way to evaluate the situation is to start asking the questions like, Why am I starting to hate my husband?. Also, I dont really like my MIL. I know its tempting to ask how the hell did LW get herself into this situation?, but the more important question is how to get out of it. My mom put whiskey on my gums. He's not perfect but no one is. She falls walking on a flat surface with nothing in her hands but she is super mad that my husband and I have made it clear that she will not be caring for the new baby or holding it while walking. It does not have to be living with her. 3 Detrimental Effects of Lack of Communication in Marriage, Marriage Is Not About Your Happiness but Is About Compromise, The Importance of Date Night in a Marriage and Tips to Make It Happen, Indeed, you are lovers, but that doesnt take away the place of respect. February 24, 2017, 11:43 am. You complain, complain, complain about everything you have to do for her and how grossed out you are by her and about this horrible promise your husband made to, gasp, care for his ailing mother, but wouldnt you want your kids to show some care for you if you werent able to care for yourself and they were in a position to help out a little? And I would assume husband had an OK upbringing, hence the promise to always look after mother. June 18, 2015, 8:22 am. When you hate your husband so much, could there be another person? You probably hate him because he is flawed. But realistically, it sounds like it was just that you lived separately and helped her out less? We were always made responsible if our youngest sister got angry or had a tantrum. Like I was accusing her of being just mean and ugly to my daughter. We don't see mil very often for many reasons. This article will provide the answers you need. I think I would have a really hard time accepting this situation if I were the letter writer. Start by doing the following: The goal is to make your husband understand your feelings and save your marriage. . Sell the property if necessary to get out of the situation. If hes willing to throw away a promise to his mother just because things are difficult now, what makes you think he wouldnt do the same to you? Hate is a strong word. Im with Wendy. Why was that? I have mentioned that I love living now? However, things have changed now. Ridiculous. But instead of attacking your MIL, you should be looking for solutions. Sometimes it is best to evaluate yourself before blaming your husband for how you feel about him. I forgot about the honey thing. I just read your comment again. From time immemorial, we hear more awful marriage experiences than good ones. It can happen very rapidly, one day everything is fine then the person is injured and in the hospital and when released they are discharged. Taken time to learn what the MILs issues really were and what kind of care she needed. It will complicate your marriage more. However, only attentive partners will care to ask what their partners think. The temporary hatred you feel often fades once your husband changes or you get what you want. She got in way over her head. Mike tries to be easygoing but she's a champion button pusher. Steven Tyler is accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl in the '70s: 'Victim's' lawsuit claims she is the 'teen bride' in singer's memoir after he convinced her mom to grant him guardianship You might say, I hate my husband, because he has hurt you a lot in the past. Ive noticed men are careless with how they leave things (even knives) on the counter. Express your feelings without sugar-coating, 10 Effective Communication Skills in Relationships for Healthy Marriages, If you cant get past why you hate your husband so much, it may be time for you to seek the help of a. . Avail years best deals on our marriage courses! And yes, some of the LWs examples, like the knife left out on the counter, seem to be overly dramatic. Its one thing to know that someone had a stroke and quite another thing to know how much someone may have changed, especially if you arent there to see it. June 18, 2015, 10:27 am. June 18, 2015, 1:07 pm. honeybeenicki But, man like Taramonster said the LW doesnt seem compassionate at all. Fair enough. Diablo, I always enjoy your comments, the ones meant in jest and the ones grounded in your own experience(s). Also. Typical lovers arent just intimate with each other; they are also best friends. Whether you choose to keep him with his new found spine, is up to you. TaraMonster Hes feeding her a line. . Its really not that hard. with yourself. The best way to solve the dislike for your husband is to communicate. Thank her for her suggestions and make your own decisions as a parent. Giving these up takes away some of the excitement from your relationship. Tell her to reframe, tell her not to welsh on her MIL, tell her its the price she pays for being family and getting a free house, but why is it so wrong to do it with with a different tone? I like Wendys suggestion that the letter writer finds a way to honor her obligation to her mother in law in way that doesnt dry her out from resentment year after year. The situation of her living alone, in her house, should be remedied. Nicole Even life is full of ups and downs. But in a marriage, couples may often feel like they hate each other. Copyright 2023 Dear Wendy. Actually, as much as I love my own mother I would rather move her into an assisted living than allow her to abuse and berate my husbandI made vows to my husband not my mother. Marriage brings two individuals in love together. Turns out my daughter had tried to wake him up for juice, his mom told her not to wake him and that she would get it for her. They tend to be confrontational and hard headed. I am also very sympathetic with the LW. Be an adult, support yourself, and if you need help, accept it graciously and compassionately and dont look your gift horse in the mouth (i.e. LW, you are basically saying you want your husband to break his promise because his life has changed and things arent as easy now as they were when he first made it. However, you will stop hating your husband when you acknowledge your role in the situation. And not everyone wants to go around sharing their motives with the strangers of the world. If you and your partner disagree, you can talk through the reasons and try to reach a compromise that leaves you both satisfied. I think the usual rule with inlaws should be that the blood child is the one who manages the relationship, and I think the husband needs to do a better job managing Moms expectations as well as the LWs. The husband is a coward for not making his wife and kids a priority and the MIL is a mentally ill selfish bitch for expecting everyones life to stop and care for her 24/7. Accepting that fact will save you from getting worried. Like other things in life, it has its problems. Learning what to do when you hate your spouse involves limiting your exposure to crashed and, 7 Ways to Feel Better When Someone Hurts You, When you hate your husband so much, could there be another person? Now that you are married, you find it challenging to deal with these issues. June 18, 2015, 9:21 am, Haha, I thought the impaling comment was overly strange too, but in my mind presumed it was preggo hormones making her overreact. And I feel bad that this column is being published right when shes having a baby, but this is when she wrote to me. You are now together, and you tend to lose the spark you had when dating. When you hate your husband so much, the reason could be because you are unhappy with yourself. His dad moved states, and they now have a strained relationship. 4. A man who is close to his mother is not a mother's boy in a negative way. How come you suddenly dislike your husband or slowly hating my husband? This isn't the first time. Unless she like nailed the knife to the counter and booby trapped the kitchen Indiana Jones style, Im pretty sure you were just annoyed it was left out, which is reasonable, but jesus. Yes she had a free place to live, but how free was it considering they payed the bills, bought the groceries and more. No one had medical training either so that made it extra difficult. Youll need to come up for a plan for the next ten years about how youll plan to continue to help your mother in law with her care, and what your game plan is as a family. Or did one of you already live in one and when the other one came up you bought it? For instance, you may hate your husband solely because he refuses to stop drinking. It isnt such a big deal, but the way she mentions it its like she flipped out about it. How? Wow, well I do think this response is pretty harsh. She certainly isn't. But she goes after him constantly, every conversation and every visit. You should be more concerned when you frequently hate things about your husband. Work on building a positive relationship and focusing on the good . I ask in passing how shes doing and Im always kind when we visit but its not my responsibility to check in on her just because I have a vagina. Im absolutely not saying it would be okay for her to cut ties from the MIL when she and her husband are finally able to and leave her to fester without getting her proper care, but I totally can understand how the LW feels so panicked about the situation, and how she doesnt want to spend the rest of her life continuing to live in the same house as her MIL, as it seems her husband wants to. Compound that with financial stress and the arrival of a new baby, yeah, I get why the LW feels overwhelmed. The best El Paso TX information website. Nope, sorry dont buy it. . honeybeenicki For my part, I simply cannot imagine living with either of my parents. Some women got attracted to their husbands because of their looks and physical attribute. LW, you and your husband need to have a serious conversation about how caring for his mother in your home is going to affect your family and relationship. . Shes not bedridden, so while helping her with whatever is fine, there may be lots she can do for herself. I screamed to avoid throwing something like my phone at his face, or my fist at the wall. From your original comment I wouldnt have known. It was only once I started eating more fruit in my adult life that I started liking sweet treats more. So maybe instead of being a jerk shes ill-prepared and panicked. They can come several times a week and help the MIL take a bath, wash her hair and change clothes. Our first responsibility is ALWAYS to our minor children. My FIL (who has been divorced from my MIL for over 40 years) says hes on our side but that my husband made a promise to his mother and that makes it my promise too. "I Hate that My Husband Takes Care of His Mother" In the beginning, I absolutely adored my MIL and had no worries about the promise my husband had made (long before I knew him) to always take care of her because she had a stroke several years earlier. Not only does she sound like a danger to her grandchildren or anyone else living with her, which youve made clear is your concern, she is a danger to herself. Im now realizing that I misunderstood the promise of LWs husband when I read this earlier and replied. You can even lead by replicating some of those times. June 18, 2015, 10:27 am. Hate my husband. How come you suddenly dislike your husband or slowly hating my husband? You know- where folks can get an apartment-type setup, but they can get the level of help they need- be it someone to clean once a week or day or to help them get to appointments or take meds or whatever. Strange, right? He spends less time at home. However, its just for a short while. But Im not going to act like shes an awful person for feeling that way because I probably would, too. How did you get them?? My apologies for my careless reading and commenting. 5. ele4phant Some of the over the top descriptions (impaled from a knife on the counter?!? Can your husband take over the majority of the care work for the children, including the baby, while also looking after his mother? They had to know going in what the situation would be like, but hey! I am not saying she should take care of the baby alone, but there are ways to say things. However, a husband attached to his mother at the hip might be more of a problem. But before all the commenters go on parade, I will say I can feel from where this letter writer is coming from. Does he mean that he *must* live with her? Most wives hate their husbands because they hurt or offend them. The famous statement that, You might hate your husband because of the wrong ideas from. 6. Clearly, she does not seem capable of living alone without some care. June 18, 2015, 10:07 am. Shes the one who asked whether she was wrong for asking her husband to break his promise to care for his mother after they are done needing her free place to live in, and, sorry, but the answer is yeah. She needs professional care. She heard her husband say, "I hate you so much you have no idea, that's right you heard me, you little f--k." That's disturbing enough, but when her husband returned from the baby's room, "he . . It also sounds like she is doing the care that her husband should be doing seeing how its his mother. If your husband is not able to be the caretaker for both the mother and the kids, is there anyone else in the family who can help out? Id suggest putting a child gate across the door to grandmas room but grandma might not be able to open and close it and certainly doesnt sound able to step over it. TaraMonster For example, a clumsy husband scatters the room every chance he gets can create stress. June 18, 2015, 10:36 am. But the tone in my response was inspired and informed by the tone in the letter (which I thought was a lot crueler/ unkind/ unsympathetic than my response and most of the responses Im seeing in the comments), but for what its worth Im glad there are dissenting opinions in the comments and that the LW is getting at least a little range of responses. That contributes to your extreme hatred for your husband. How Do I Make My Partner Realize Their Responsibilities? ? 7) You Have a Dysfunctional Idea Of What a Marriage Should Be. The long-estranged FILs statement that the sons promise is the LWs promise is utter horseshit. Being married doesnt mean you wont find others attractive. Not that I think you have to have experienced giving care to a difficult elderly/disabled person to comment on this, but I have. It could be sitting down with her and going over finances and researching programs she could apply for to help pay for this kind of care (and even contributing to that care if one is in a financial position to do so). They probably werent stationed anywhere near the MIL so her condition was a surprise. )and its very different. They often have tons of options for activities and just getting out may help her mental and emotional well being. Could you be transferring aggression? I think it is natural to feel a little defensive when strangers comment on how shitty someone is for not caring about their poor parents. Sounds like your husband is trying to make good on his promise (though his motives dont sound great). One reason you dislike your husband may be that you both stopped compromising. They are dependent on him or her and should, and hopefully will, always be their parents' first priority. So, get your own place. He avoids you or avoids being alone with you. Are you stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, or confused? For instance, your partners appreciate kids, but you dont. When you hate your husband so much, the reason could be because. Well, you need to stop that. I've always worked full time and he's only ever worked 15 to 20 hours. I understand that you dont feel comfortable allowing her to care for your children. June 18, 2015, 10:11 am. Just because he couldn't help it, it doesn't mean you are not angry that he had a stroke . June 18, 2015, 12:13 pm. I dont hate my MIL but we will never be close. Because with or without LW and husband physically living in the house, mothers life doesnt sound so great, especially compounded by whatever lingering issues from the past stroke, etc. Having worked with many stroke patients, the behaviour described sounds very typical. I dont think it would have done much if Id hit it, but still. Was she not in touch with the woman? Overall, I feel for you. Well, you need to embrace both the good and the bad. Doing things together offer couples opportunities to enjoy each others company and finding loving ways to complete tasks together. But you need to get over yourself and recognize that your husband is stepping up and doing the right thing by caring for his ailing mother. However, it doesnt always work like that. Also, with the balance issues there probably arent many activities MIL can do entirely independently, unless the house has had major adaptations to it (railing etc), and I am willing to bet that is not the case. He's always asking my parents for money and they give to him. If you cant pinpoint the cause you dislike your husband, check the following possible reasons why you hate your husband: Communication goes beyond what you engage in with friends and co-workers. June 18, 2015, 10:49 am, honeybeenicki TaraMonster Of course its not a good idea to leave knives sitting out, especially with a child in the home but even if she ran right into the blade of a loose knife, it would have just slid over or gotten knocked off the counter. A central . And I can just now stomach pineapple. The womans her MIL. Im not saying it will be easy or that she will agree without putting up any resistance, but your husband, and maybe even your FIL, should be the ones sorting that out while you SUPPORT him in a loving way. Its one thing to say Look, I see youre living in very difficult circumstances, and that the stress of that is probably clouding your judgement. Be supportive of your husband and understanding as your spouse learns these new traits. Did they both come up for sale at the same time? Well, it turns out that his mom felt attacked. Had she never visited her? bricklink greef karga. Hiring a maid or part time help. 10 Powerful Financial Goals for Couples to Build Their Marriage, 10 Silly Mistakes to Avoid When Resolving Conflict in Marriage, How to Balance a Career With Marriage: 8 Tips, What To Do When You Feel No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, According to Zodiac Signs: the 3 Best Women to Marry, How To Connect With A Man On An Emotional Level, The Role of Romance in a Relationship and its Importance, How Important Is Intimacy in a Relationship, Feeling No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, How to Get Back Together After Separation, 6 Ways to Tell if Someone is Lying About Cheating, 5 Signs That You Are Living in a Toxic Marriage, 7 Important Tips to Build Trust in a Relationship, 10 Effective Communication Skills for Healthy Marriages, 20 Signs of a Married Man in Love With Another Woman. But I do agree that the LW needs to reframe how she sees this. Understand that many of your expectations before marriage will crumble because living together often shows us their new traits. I guess Im one the posters that understands how stressful and difficult this situation must be for LW. June 18, 2015, 11:04 am, That has to be so amazing to have your mom so close with your baby on the way , honeybeenicki Raccoon eyes June 18, 2015, 8:40 am. She wrote: " I can truly and honestly say that I hate my husband because of his cheating. Those arent excuses. Learn what to do when you dont like your husband in the following: 13 Tips on What to Do if You Dislike Your Spouse, ? She didnt know what she was signing up for. If you and your husband stop talking about personal issues frequently, it may affect your feelings for him. I have to agree with all of the people who chimed in about mother sounding like a very typical right hemisphere stroke patient. I agree with Wendy that caring for someone doesnt mean having to live with them and care for them yourself. Its easy to shift blame to others. My parents didnt and dont see what they were doing. I mean seeing all that T&A surely must have messed him up. We pay the majority of the bills, take care of the house, provide the groceries, and drive her to and from her appointments. If your husband doesnt care about your opinion or values but only what matters to him, it will cause a rift between you. You probably thought everything would be rosy forever, but thats not true. I am always kind and civil and I do ask my husband how she is from time to time but I do not contact her in any way. I for one love and respect my son enough that I would never make him feel guilty for living his life. June 18, 2015, 1:43 pm. Sorry, but between you and yesterdays LW, Ive reached my limit with the sense of entitlement and lack of compassion for ailing parents Im seeing. This is not the right time to blame your husband, but to evaluate your actions in the past. If your husband doesnt care about your opinion or values but only what matters to him, it will cause a rift between you. The best way to show you love your partner is through respect. that you have unconsciously absorbed from your environment. That one could be real, it almost happened to me once (not while I was pregnant). Having a vagina does not automatically sign me up to take care of my husbands elderly mother or to act as his social secretary. I feel like we need to try harder to see all sides here. Youre willing to make the enormous sacrifice of living rent-free with your horrible MIL now, while you cant afford your own place, but as soon you have a job and wont need any of her finances, you will no longer be willing to make any kind of sacrifice when it comes to her and believe your husband should break his promise to take care of her? February 24, 2017, 11:06 am. Maybe this means finding a duplex so people can have their own space, or helping MIL downsize to a place that is far more manageable and she can afford a cleaner once or twice a week. We made long-term goals together like engagement, marriage, kids, the whole 9. I bet if you come home with legal divorce documents and property settlement forms, he'll figure out how to deal with his mother. Many women want a reliable partner to effectively manage a home and a family. But I dont personally feel as much anger towards the letter writer as some of the other commenters. No matter how much you love your spouse, there will be days when you hate their guts. I also know that its easy to talk about hiring care takers, but reality is that home care is very expensive and often difficult to get reimbursed by insurance. Still, it's important not to bad mouth or criticize your in-laws to your spouse. I respect Wendys response, but I think that it may have been too harsh and too quick to judge. This step requires you to be thoughtful and open-minded. Oh, come on. 17 Signs Your Husband Hates You 1. Addie Pray How? I hear you. She is not to be left alone for a single second with the baby. Once the wife tables her grievances and apologizes, the couple goes right back to loving each other. Not sure what youre talking about. To begin with, when you hate your husband, it doesnt necessarily mean you have no feelings for them anymore. M. MiraclesHappenBelieve. June 18, 2015, 11:47 am. Also, imagine telling a grandmother that she wont be able to take care of the baby, basically telling her that she is useless. The message would be the same, but the approach could be a lot different. I was simply upset because my baby was crying. We expect it to be a. between two individuals in love who are ready to build a home. Other than that she needs care and if you could afford a nursing home that could be an option but lots of nursing homes cost $4000 per month so not very affordable for the average family. Sometimes it is best to evaluate yourself before blaming your husband for how you feel about him. I agree that it is too much to handle, but her solution isnt the right one. What Happens When There Is Lack of Attention in Relationship? Built in babysitter/dogsitter right next door! No matter how busy life is, spouses should dedicate time to each other. Im an not saying she should get the thumbs up to just move out and leave her MIL as is. , RedRoverRedRover Finally, you need get your own place and move out of your MILs house. Love is what we expect in a marriage, so a dislike for our spouse makes us anxious and stressed. If someone provides you a free place to live complaining about them makes you look like a jerk. Am I wrong for wanting my husband to break his promise to his mother that he made sooo long ago? You probably hate him because he is flawed. In essence, you can hate something or someone you love from time to time when things dont go your way. Now Im not reeling from yesterdays letter (I didnt have time) but as far as entitlement goes its one thing to think youve made an arrangement that is mutually beneficial for everyone involved, its another to realize youve signed on to be the tenet and care-taker for the landlord from hell for the next few decades. Shes not capable of it, nor is it morally right to leave someone high and dry just because you cant do it yourself. Yes, she needs to reframe this and not leave her MIL out to dry, but FFS, shes pregnant and stressed and dealing with a horrible situation. will crumble because living together often shows us their new traits. I walked around the corner into the kitchen and the knife was right there, almost touching me. It sounds like she is/will be a loving grandparent who just needs boundaries. My husband is wonderful but he seems to believe that since his mother is willing to pay part of the bills when we buy a house that she is needed. She used to live with us and didnt treat me well. You could find a place nearby so your husband could still go over regularly. And you really need to discuss with your husband how he can fulfill his promise to take care of his mother without sacrificing your nuclear familys safety and comfort. If you really can't get on with their family and are no longer on speaking terms, allow your partner to continue their relationship with them on. Not knowing what her MIL was going on isnt an excuse to ditch her and move on. ChickenNugget Soooo I think that Husband promised to step in and take care of his mother. Yesterday, I received an email from a woman who was overcome with negative emotions. Love is more enjoyable when the two partners are on the same page. . Is this a normal feeling? Once you figure the problem out, it will be easy. It also means you acknowledge these differences and align with them. In my minds eye, she was, like jumping on the kitchen center island to demonstrate how to swim the butterfly or something. Bittergaymark Yeah, this is pretty horrible. He doesn't work on the relationship. Otherwise, its bound to bring out hatred in one person. The best way to solve the dislike for your husband or slowly hating my husband the feels. Just intimate with each other ; they are dependent on him or her and should, and they give him! It was only once I started eating more fruit in my adult life that I would never him. So your husband, it will cause a rift between you a big deal, but there are ways complete! To know going in what the situation would be rosy forever, but hey needs. Hip might be more of a new baby, yeah, I will say I can truly and honestly that! 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