fake navy seals wall of shame

A "Wall of Shame" compiled by former Navy SEAL R.D. If you take nothing else away from this article, when in doubt, contact him. He is not from Wheeling. I know of several groups that deal with people like poser Paul. Also, I think this guy is wearing a Mighty Oaks wrist band for wounded vets. For example, Class 52 was designated 7102, which stood for the 2nd class of 1971. What Color Was Your Helmet In Phase 1, 2, 3? Phony Navy SEAL of the Week. Real Navy SEAL exposes imposter. If the guy claiming to be a SEAL doesnt know the name of the center, or even who Bucklew was, hes likely NOT a SEAL. For these awards, absence of a name should not be considered evidence that an individual did not receive an award. If he is going to make up stuffwe expected better than this. It was tough finding enough men to join the service during the Vietnam war, and the Navy SEALs were no exception. Paul likes to demonstrate his motivation and leadership skills. We guess when you are making up crap it justcomes out like a rambling fool! Great guys. Instead, they essentially received on the job training. Went through SERE training, had a great time. Truly amazing how much time and effort these guys put into these fake profiles. Born in 1944. The SEAL training pipeline is one of the most demanding in the world of special forces. He played college football at the University of Nevada. ``This has been tearing me apart,' he said. Someone commented about him having a girlfriend that was the only thing that came out of the posers mouth that sounded legit sad to say when he would ramble on about his pathetic life with a fat ass bitch wife. | Tags: BUD/S, Military Phonies, Military Phony, Navy, Navy Seal, Paul Puccillo, poser, SEAL. Balance Logs 8. There really isnt anything else you need to do or check otherwise. Immediately walking in to the grinder, you make a right and will see the bell right in front of the first phase office. In the email, he stated that he served with SEAL Team 9. He is lying to everyone even his girlfriend, There are a lot of people looking for him who know where he lives snd works now. And what would he say to an imposter if he came face to face with one? Copyright 2023 www.OperationMilitaryKids.org. I was in that same Class. What a pussy he needs his ass kicked by someone anyone that can find him. At some point phase 2 and 3 got switched to put diving as 2nd phase, hence the blue. Check out this video of one of his latest catches. Keep us posted Phil! His records are classified and no one can access them. If you were to question a potentially fake Navy SEAL, you could simply pose it as a curiosity-like question. Yup hes legit. Hes a busy guy, so reluctantly (but not surprisingly) turned it down. Email: [emailprotected]. Doc is one of the most decorated SEALs of the Vietnam War, with 2 Bronze Stars and 5 Purple Hearts. Seriously, how would you know if a guy was someones swim buddy? His Afghanistan storys didnt seem like it was something you would tell people. I just want to know if he did attend these trainings and did he become a SEAL also. If a guy claiming to be a SEAL ever mentions that, you know hes full of it. You can learn how to make a FOIA request in this article. As word of the Web site and its mission spreads, the list grows. His fat ass bitch of a wife as he would say will have some questions for him and I hope his cheating thing is exposed with the neighbor. All content copyright 2023, AboveTopSecret.com. Barbed Wire 6. He has changed his name to Paul Miser on Facebook. Parallel Bars Charles was in that BUDS Class in 1987, he didnt finish the 27 weeks Of course one a SEAL, always a SEAL. We know he meant once. But Schantag, a former Marine, cares little about the psychological makeup of fake military heroes. He told a girlfriend ``he had been involved in covert operations and knew how to make bombs.'. They may take a ride on them to get to their area of operations, but they do not become a part of the ships company. He lied to his family, he lied to many young men looking to become a SEAL. SEALs are not stationed on ships. As I mentioned earlier, there are a TON of guys claiming they were (or are) Navy SEALS. Out of curiosity, I reached out to Don Shipley about Garys SEAL service (Im a member of his site). He acted like a bad ass to intimidate people. Employees at the Virginia Beach office building that housed OmniTrade International said that one day early this year, a small green car with the license plate REPO 1 pulled up behind the late-model Lexus Nolan then drove. I wonder how his family feels about his lies; does his wife look at him differently or did she suspect all along it was little more than a fairy tale. Thanks. No longer lives with his soon to be ex wife either. He took her to Coronado and was yelling at new recruits. Russell lists more than 400 fakes--mostly Vietnam War impersonators revealed in recent years.An archive compiled by a national prisoner-of-war.Navy SEAL Hell Week Is Nothing Compared to Last Phase on "The Rock".fake navy seals wall of shame.MENLO PARK, Calif. (KGO) -- A former Lake Tahoe bartender has used his phony. Related Article: 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. He likes []. [] partners at Military Phonies share their work on this fellow, Paul Puccillo, who claims to be a Navy SEAL (what else?). What about the mentors page on FB misleading these individuals into thinking he was someone that can help them but knew nothing more than how to tell a god lie. I wonder if that his girlfriends boyfriend or husband knows if she is married of his and her actions. Nolan, referring to the businessman and his colleagues, said, ``They better stay out of the United States because they didn't know who they were messing with,' the agent testified. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research someone's claim with a minimum of fuss, muss, and bother. His name is Gurio Vincenti, sound familiar? According to the National PersonnelRecords Center and the United States Navy,Paul NEVER served in the military, was never a US Navy SEAL, and hes never seen combat. BTW, Don Shipley just verified a guy from the class right before you. I have two brothers that served and literally wanted to know after reading his bullshit where he lives. 8. Charles A. Moeller, USN-Ret.' I would never do anything to disgrace my family, my country or my God. If someone claims to be a SEAL, he can quickly verify with 100% accuracy whether or not the claims are true. I used it on cabinets to restore them at this house. If a guy is claiming to be a SEAL and mentions something like this, hes probably a fake. There were no covert missions in Central America. SEAL Team 6 doesnt count, because theyre basically their own thing. He never spoke once about any disease or injury other than he worked as a bartender most his life after being discharged. Please email johnrodriguez25@yahoo.com, Brady the goat please email johnrodriguez25@yahoo.com, Email me at johnrodriguez25@yahoo.com please, My email is kr1234060@gmail.com what are your concerns because I have a few of my own if this is Amy. Then you tactically take cool pic of your kid, not forgetting to get your SEAL Team Four shirt in it!!!! Navy.'. But what do you say if he comes back with a class that might potentially match up? She had to go dig out the legal name change paperwork and jump through all kinds of hoops just to get USN Mus1 put on his headstone. Then remind them of Stolen Valor!! I was going over these comments while recently updating this page, and curiosity got the best of me.So I decided to verify if Robert Ray Alexander was ever a Navy SEAL with Don Shipley (Im a member of his site). The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). The future couldn't have looked brighter for boyishly handsome Robert Nolan, once named sailor of the year on the carrier America. In fact, Id rather you not for the very reason you stated (i.e. Others pose as former prisoners of war. I bet his wife and neighbor would love to have coffee sometime. Works friday nights for sure. He was in a single digit BUDs class. ``They started asking questions. Off of rand rd. Everette has posted the bios of nearly five dozen would-be Medal of Honor winners on his Internet ``Hall of Shame.' FT BENNING JUMP SCHOOL 1985. What a loser. Tires A website dedicated to exposing fake SEALs had given him a five-star rating on its "Wall of Shame," its most ignoble designation, meaning the "claimant is 'incorrigible' and continues to make.The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). See images of our conversation below: Replying to Mr. Long: Get a product called Restore and then you don't have to take finish off. the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. Track our progress on our Awards page.. His name is not listed., He was never a SEAL, boat guy, etc. Doc Rios would be a famous example of this. www.phonyseals.com has over 100 Phony Navy SEAL of the Week videos and many never seen before.. Operation Military Kids was founded to be a resource for teens and young adults who are interested in joining the military, but don't know where to begin. (see stolen valor). Contacted by phone recently, Moeller refused to discuss claims he may have made about being a SEAL or a decorated veteran. Someone sent me an email last week trying to verify if one of his buddies was actually a SEAL. I can guarantee it is all true if this is who I think it is lose his ass immediately. Ill be watching for him on Triathlete Phonies. and Incurable Disease Frauds. In August, FBI agents arrested Nolan in Virginia Beach. Most phony SEALs wont even have an idea of what the name of the SEAL Training center is even called. Saturday, February 15, 2014. I feel very betrayed by Paul for mentoring me on stuff he had no idea about. ``Skip' Moeller, 54, who drove the Chevrolet Cavalier with the Ohio plates, had been telling his war stories long enough, the old vet said. Jose Carlos Montanez - Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame. This is a common way people think they can trip up a fraudulent seal claim. The man claimed his North Vietnamese captors nailed him to a tree, then tossed him into a ditch and left him for dead. . Don should have sent you a letter of verification, which is as good as gold. 1: the second obstacle on the O course used to be a stump jump (10 diameter logs sticking up out of the sand between 2 to 4 in the air. Enrollment is voluntary as there is no comprehensive list of Purple Heart recipients, Similarly, the Hall of Valor project explicitly says, We are in the midst of a multi-year effort to identify recipients of Silver Star and below. Just info to let you know I have personal knowledge. He used the same bullshit that I just read. By Dan Noyes via. ``As kids filtered into class, they'd say, `You used to be a SEAL? what does a barometer . 16. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, that has been through the O-course as many times as a trainee has will know the names of EVERY obstacle on the course. great heroism.'. He said he was screwing his neighbor since he moved into Arlington Heights last year, meeting her at hotels and bars when we got off work and used to brag about it all the time, saying how easy it was to get away with it. Do the math. Does anyone know where he lives in Arlington I know a few people who would like to speak with him. The Commercial Drivers License DELTA Ghost. Unfortunately, Shipleys Youtube channel was terminated in February of 2019. Kent W. Ewing was skipper of the America when Nolan served there a decade ago. Students just starting out in first phase wear white t-shirts. If you really want to know for sure, get in touch with Don Shipley. Food for thought. With the proliferation of bogus UFO and military documents in the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. I cross checked it with another database (the Hall of Valor project) and the only two Robert Alexanders that received any commendations during the Vietnam War were a Robert Minter Alexander (Air Force) and a Robert Bruce Alexander (Marine Corps). But Schantag, a former Marine, cares little about the psychological makeup of fake military heroes. Command Master Chief former Navy Seal Steve Viola learned in his deepest and darkest times that there two ways of doing things: the right way and again. any way you can verify if JAMES KRAUSE, age approx. A tow truck soon appeared and removed the Lexus. There is no record of anyone with Moeller's Social Security number in the military service records database. Nolan is being held in the Western Tidewater Regional Jail pending a February sentencing. Thanks for that James, Ill try to get that added shortly. Though temporarily blinded in his right eye by a North Vietnamese hand grenade that landed about two feet away, Lee helped rescue a Marine reconnaissance unit under withering enemy fire. With the proliferation of bogus UFO and military documents in the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. Thanks for publishing. KGO. It goes right through the finish down to the wood .All antique deals use it to recolor antiques and all. But he did not provide the name. About Shame Wall Of Seals Navy Fake. This is somewhat related to the question above. In des plaines. It also appears that he didnt give all of his shirts away because this is a new photo, FaceBook;https://www.facebook.com/paul.puccillo, Category: Combat veteran, Stolen Valor, US Navy Posers & Embellish-ers, US Navy SEAL - Poser Its a contraction of his middle initial (B), and his last name, Allen. Went through SERE training in the Philippines back in the 80s, what fun we had (lol)! ``He uses this claim for gain at our place of employment,' wrote a co-worker. In a follow-up interview, Moeller said he legally changed his name a few years ago and served in the Navy under the other name. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. FM-EP031 - ACP - 02863. Hes legit. Yeah, I thought of that when I was writing the article, and it crossed my mind again just the other day. Ive actually spoken to him about writing for the site. ``I asked him how he got through the hellhole in Hanoi,' Schantag said. 12/30/22 00:08:15. I go by it every day. 8. BACKGROUND Jose Carlos Montanez (-Nazario) comes to us from Chesapeake, Virginia. BUD/S is an unclassified school, no more classified that attending cooking school in the Navy. 3. 5. Dirty Name Paul has made himself out to look like a fool and will always be known as someone that has never accomplished much of anything other thana fabricated story. Search: Isis Killing Video Gore. This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. Fake Navy Seals Wall Of Shame Customize Card + Wishlist Add to Cart. The Freedom Of Information Act, or FOIA request, and gives the public the right to request access to the records from any federal agency. His personal checks identify him as ``Capt. I cant believe this joker pretending to be a seal and luring people into thinking your a hero. Hooyah Logs A highly-decorated fake SEAL Team 6 commander who served in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and top secret "black ops" inside Iran in 2009 has outed Don Shipley as a real Navy SEAL, sources confirmed today. He faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. Thanks to these guys that served. Nolan, 38, never served as a SEAL. Ashman insists that he did apologize to Arrowood and said he does not recall Arrowood asking him to set the record straight with his students. Its been pretty well established by multiple accounts that former SEAL Rob ONeill is the guy who shot UBL. The 47 range in age from 22 to 62. If you suspect someone is lying to you about their service, you need to read this. 6 Best Navy SEAL Documentaries Of All Time, Air Force Nondestructive Inspection: 2A7X2 & 2A732 Career Profile, DPS Military Move: 8 Things You Need To Know, 300+ Military Separation Codes And Their Meanings, 18 Pros And Cons Of Joining The Coast Guard, https://www.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification, https://videos.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification. My husband has been having horrible PTSD thinking about theft of Valor and how Henry got a contractor job because of a lie. Paul wasstarting to become our herosarcasm is just a free service we offer here at Military Phony. Power Steering Control Valve, 1965 - 1967 Mustang Seat 1/4" Set All Classic Parts $ 13.95. ', When Mike Arrowood joined the Western Branch faculty in 1999, Ashman said he was still telling students that he was an ex-SEAL, ``but only to set up an example for kids to look at.'.

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