31st infantry division ww2 roster

For the next two years, the 6th Battalion fought all across the Mekong Delta and the Plain of Reeds. Because the lineage of the previous regiments called the 31st were passed down to their successor units, the current 31st Infantry Regiment does not share their history or honors. Not one vehicle or piece of heavy equipment made it through. Created in 1917, the 2nd Infantry Division first saw service in World War I.During World War II, the "Indianhead" division landed on Omaha Beach on June 7, 1944, and broke out of Normandy before moving into Belgium. [4] During October, the division was reinforced with 10,000 men from Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, transferred from Camps Gordon, Jackson, and Pike, as it began systematic training on 22 October. For the next two years, a seemingly endless series of blows were exchanged across central Korea's cold, desolate hills. 74th Illinois Infantry . [9], Elements of the 31st were called up for state duty several times during the interwar period. There it rebuilt, retrained, and refitted and was soon back in combat, stopping the Chinese at Chechon, South Korea and participating in the counteroffensive to retake central Korea. The bowl now sits in the headquarters building of the regiment's only remaining battalion: the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, at Fort Drum, New York. On 10 November the division headquarters relocated to Birmingham; Blanding retired on 18 November and was replaced by Alabama Major General John C. Persons, who led the division for most of the next four years. On 1 February 1932, the regiment was ordered to Shanghai, China, arriving on 4 February. [2] Kernan was replaced by 56th Field Artillery Brigade commander Brigadier General John Louis Hayden, the senior brigade commander, on 18 September. [9], As a result of World War II, the division was mobilized along with the entire National Guard and inducted into Federal service on 25 November 1940 at home stations. The 809 member task force was their brigade's main effort and was given the daunting task of establishing the first permanent coalition force presence in the Sunni region south of Baghdad frequently referred to as the "Sunni Triangle of Death. This section includes the entirety of the 142nd Infantry Regiment and the first part of the 143rd . Believing it to be 2/31 Infantry, MacLean ran out to try and prevent its destruction. Immediately following GADSDEN, 4th Battalion took part in Operation JUNCTION CITY, its last operation in Tay Ninh, to clear VC activity in the province. On the 31st of October the Division . While actively hunting insurgents, the soldiers of TF 431 set about improving the community, aiding in the improvement of schools, roads, irrigation canals, community centers, and emplacing solar power street lights. The division, which initially had nine infantry regiments grouped into three brigades was squared or reorganized into a more simplified four-regiment structure within two brigades. It returned to the United States in December and was demobilized in January 1919. The 61st included the 5th Georgia Infantry, separate Georgia infantry companies, and detachments of the 1st and 2nd Georgia and 1st Florida Regiments of Infantry; the 62nd included the 1st Alabama and 2nd Florida Infantry, and detachments of the 1st Florida and 1st Georgia Regiments of Infantry and of the 1st Alabama Cavalry; the 56th included detachments of the Georgia Field Artillery, the 1st Florida, 1st Georgia, and 2nd Alabama Regiments of Infantry, and of the 1st Alabama Cavalry. The 30th Infantry Division was a unit of the Army National Guard in World War I and World War II.It was nicknamed the "Old Hickory" division, in honor of President Andrew Jackson.The Germans nicknamed this division "Roosevelt's SS.". [13] The 31st Infantry Division was transferred to Fort Carson, Colorado in February 1954 from Camp Atterbury. The 106th Trench Mortar Battery of the brigade relocated to Vitrey on 4 November, preceded by the 106th Field Signal Battalion, which left for the Signal Corps Replacement Depot at Cour-Cheverny on 30 October. By war's end, the "Red Circle" division had entered Austria, where it met up with advancing Soviet forces. No units were deployed, but individuals representing three-fourths of the authorized strength were sent to either Korea or Japan as replacements. The unit is rare in that it was formed and has spent most of its life on non-American soil. 31st Infantry Division Roster Korea: Search this site powered by FreeFind In wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, 4th Battalion participated in Operation NOBLE EAGLE, protecting critical infrastructure in Maryland. has 7 Medal of Honor recipients. [9], During the interwar period, the division did not train together in most years, as separate summer camps were held for the units of each state. In addition, a large number of troops lost limbs due to frostbite. It was then consolidated with the 22d Infantry on 15 May 1869 and redesignated the 22d Infantry. 1/32 Infantry, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Don C. Faith, was also attacked, but held its ground thanks to air support by Marine F4U Corsairs. After deploying to Afghanistan in early 2002, 4th Battalion took part in Operation ANACONDA in the Shah-i-Kot Valley in March of that same year. Reg. 4/31 Infantry was deployed to Vietnam in the spring of 1966, operating in and around Tay Ninh province as part of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade. Lieutenant Colonel Don Faith assumed command of the task force, now called Task Force Faith. C Company, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, conducted the various training exercises in July 2003, while in Djibouti including known distance ranges, both in Djibouti and Ethiopia; reflexive fire ranges, both in Djibouti and Ethiopia; AK-47 range for familiarization of the weapon system; familiarization ranges for shotguns and 9mm pistols; external sling load training with Heavy Marine Helicopter Company (HMH-461) both day and night iterations to help certify them; its mortar platoon underwent training on the mortar ballistic computer and the plotting board to further their proficiency. Activated: October 1917 (National Guard Division from Alabama, Florida and Georgia . They also helped to enforce the 19281930 Mediterranean fruit fly quarantine. In 2018, 4-31 IN deployed again to Afghanistan for 9 months, spreading out across the country as the Theatre Response Force. The 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, was reactivated at Fort Sill, Oklahoma to support the Field Artillery School and the 6th Battalion was reactivated at Fort Irwin, California, serving there until its inactivation in 1988. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The combat team moved up to advanced positions and took part in the . See 049. Over the next several months, the 31st Infantry clashed with Red forces at Novitskaya, Romanovka, Novo Nezhino, and other locations in the Suchan Valley. 3/31 Infantry and two batteries of the 57th Field Artillery Battalion were driven from their initial positions. It was mobilized in 1940 during World War II, and spent several years training in the United States. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 When this demand was refused, partisans launched attacks on trains along the Suchan branch. 85th Infantry Division in World War II . As the 1st Marine Division advanced toward Seoul, the 31st moved to the town of Suwon, fifty miles south to prevent North Korean reinforcements from reaching the South Korean capital. location of the Company HQ on a map. In Korea the Intelligence/Operations Officer was Young-Oak Kim, who was later promoted to command the 1st Battalion. Encountering road blocks along the route, the task force, including many of the wounded, tried to clear Chinese positions, suffering additional heavy casualties. [11] In 1984-5 the 31st Armored Brigade comprised the 1st Battalion, 131st Armor Regiment, 1st-152nd Armor, 1st-167th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion, 117th Field Artillery, E Troop, 31st Cavalry and the 31st Engineer Company. There are 41 web pages containing information about this regiment plus many other pages associated to this . In mid-August the division began to stage for a landing on Morotai, leaving Aitape and Maffin Bay, 11 September 1944. The 106th Supply Train relocated to Camp de Souge on 29 November. [18] It served as a National Guard division until its inactivation on 14 January 1968. In January 1946, General MacArthur restored his former guard of honor to active service at Seoul, Korea, assigning the 31st to the 7th Infantry Division. Most of World War II, and the Cold War nuclear stand off that followed, were waged in the Northern Hemisphere. It bears the distinction of being the first organization created under expansion of the US Army under the National Defense Act of 1916.[3]. Instead of being sent to Camp McClellan, the 31st went to Camp Blanding, arriving on 22 December to discover that it was still under construction. In late April 1967, 4/31 Infantry was reassigned to the newly activated 23d Infantry Division (Americal), operating in Quang Ngai, Chu Lai, and the Que Son Valley for the rest of the war. In his advance, he neutralized two enemy automatic weapons, permitting friendly troops to advance without casualties. In August 1938, the division was reunited for the Fourth Corps Area concentration of the Third Army Maneuver in the De Soto National Forest, during which it operated as part of the provisional IV Corps. It left the state for Washington on June 24; proceeded to Virginia in July with the and brigade, 5th division, Army of Northeastern . Total casualties for the regiment amounted to thirty killed and sixty wounded sustained from forty-two engagements in seventeen months. 113 (4 March 1951). At around midnight on 29 November, the Chinese renewed the offensive. The task force soon disintegrated under continued Chinese attacks, with the remnants venturing out onto the frozen reservoir and reaching the Marines at Hagaru-ri on the night of 1-2 December. On 4 March 1933, the divisional headquarters was relocated to Bartow, Florida. Over 1,000 Japanese were destroyed in these actions. We were established in 1983 as a member-based, charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. During this deployment, the regiment recommended one Medal of Honor and 15 Distinguished Service Crosses. Reconstructed WWII Roster of the 87th Division. When hostilities broke out between Japanese and Chinese forces in Shanghai in early 1932, the 31st Infantry was sent to reinforce the 4th Marine Regiment in the International Settlement of Shanghai. After the end of the war the division was demobilized in December 1945. Two captains from the 31st, Earl R. Short and George A. Sansep, buried the Shanghai Bowl and cups in a waterproof box on Malinta Hill and burned the colors before Corregidor fell on 6 May. In April 2002, the Polar Bears returned to Fort Drum, and in 2003 roughly 300 soldiers from the 431st deployed to Djibouti, B company to Iraq, and A Company to Camp Phoenix outside Kabul, Afghanistan in support of CJTF-HOA as TF 431. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity. Several men of the 31st who did not surrender managed to link up with other American soldiers and Filipino guerrillas and continued the fight. He returned to Corregidor Island under the orders of Major General Marshall in September 1945 to retrieve the bowl from its hidden location. The division staff, which included men from all four states, conducted joint summer training at Camp McClellan between 1924 and 1926 and 1929 and 1931, Camp Beauregard in 1927, Camp Foster in 1928, and Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, in addition to participation in multiple corps area and army command post exercises, including the September 1936 Third Army command post exercise at San Antonio. On 22 April 1945, the Division landed on Mindanao to take part in the liberation of the Philippines. The two battalions destroyed fourteen enemy tanks, six antitank guns, several mortars, inflicted over 300 North Korean casualties, and secured the Suwon-Osan corridor. 25th Infantry Division - "Tropic Lightning" 26th Infantry Division "Yankee Division" 27th Infantry Division - New York Division 28th Infantry Divi sion "Keystone Division" 29th Infantry Division - "Blue and Gray" 30th Infantry Division "Old Hickory" 31st Infantry Division - "Dixie Division" Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 31st Infantry Division Artillery, 31st Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized), Headquarters, Special Troops, 31st Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 31st Infantry Division, 31st Counterintelligence Corps Detachment. Returning to Iraq in May 2006 at the height of the Sunni insurgency, 4/31 Infantry was the core of an 800-strong task force operating in the Sunni Triangle. Working in conjunction with Iraqi security forces, the soldiers of 4/31 Infantry conducted counterinsurgency operations accounting for the capture of approximately 1,500 insurgents. It is now the regiment's only battalion on the active rolls. Location changed 1 February 1979 to Northport, Alabama. . U. S. ARMY 31ST INFANTRY (DIXIE DIVISION) - The 31st Infantry Division was a unit of the Army National Guard in World War I and World War II. The 1st Battalion remained in Korea, however, serving there until its inactivation in 1987. During the occupation of Morotai, elements of the Division seized Mapia, 15-17 September, and waded ashore on the Asia islands, 19-20 September, only to find the Japanese had already evacuated. In a fierce counterattack, the Japanese closed in on his machinegun emplacement, hurling hand grenades, 1 of which exploded under the . [11], After the Korean War broke out in 1950, the division was called to active duty on 16 January 1951 at Birmingham. The division headquarters (aboard the USS Orizaba), most of the infantry, the 106th Field Signal Battalion, and the 106th Train Headquarters and Military Police sailed between 30 September and 11 October. He would receive his next (and last) promotion, to Field Marshal, on June 22, 1942. . One of the battalions most significant actions in Iraq was providing security at polling centers in the Kadhamiya area during the first Iraqi national elections in January 2005 before returning to Fort Drum in June. They also dissuaded their 40,000 Japanese allies from taking control of Russian territory. Arriving on 2 February, the 31st assisted in providing security in and around the International Settlement while Chinese and Japanese troops fought in the streets within view of sentries. "[by whom?] The 106th Engineers and Train were the first to depart from New York on 16 September, arriving in Scotland on 29 September. In 1946, the 31st was reactivated with Alabama and Mississippi units. The 31st Infantry was a part of American Expeditionary Forces Siberia (AEFS) that included the 27th Infantry Regiment and several support units under the command of Major General William S. Graves. Lacosse, Frank 1st Ranger Battalion 839. The 155th Infantry Regiment, formed in Mississippi, is the 7th oldest Regiment in the US Army. While in Shanghai, the officers of the 31st collected $1,600 in silver dollars and had a Chinese silversmith craft a silver punch bowl and sixty-five matching cups to commemorate the regiments service in Shanghai. Organized September 1917 at Camp Jackson, SC, from drafts of NC, SC, and FL. As fighting raged around the 3/31 Infantrys perimeter, MacLean spotted an approaching column coming under American fire. Less than a year after the 31sts formation, the United States entered World War I in April 1917. WW2 Army Unit Records Research. 05/21/2022. 31st Infantry Division ROSTER - 16,376 entries, This page was last edited on 18 October 2022, at 21:42. Lacy, Eugene L. US Army 557. Focusing on the defense of Luzon in the event of a Japanese invasion, the Philippine Division was the nucleus of a largely Filipino defense force. [11], The division headquarters became the headquarters of the 31st Brigade, 30th Armored Division at Tuscaloosa on the next day. Joining the attacking troops of the battalion, he assisted in driving the enemy from their positions around the hilltop. The 31st was reorganized in 1923 with national guardsmen from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi. In 2003, 300 soldiers deployed on security and training missions to Djibouti and Ethiopia in support of Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa. Beginning in 1980, the 6th Battalion, reactivated, served as component of the Opposition Force at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, as part of the 177th Armored Brigade until the battalion was reflagged as the 1st Battalion, 52nd Infantry Regiment in 1988. The camp was rather short-lived. 31st Infantry Division - "Dixie Division" Back to all Infantry Divisions. For training, the division was directed to concentrate at Camp Wheeler on 3 August; the Alabama, Florida, and Georgia National Guards were drafted into federal service two days later. The regiment was broken up into several detachments and posted at critical points along the crucial 81-mile rail branch of the Trans-Siberian railroad to the vital coal mines in the Suchan river valley northeast of Vladivostok. When the Vietnam War came, the Army activated the 5th Battalion at Fort Rucker in 1964, 4th Battalion at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, in September 1965, and 6th Battalion at Fort Lewis, Washington, in 1967. For their service in Shanghai, they received the Yangtze Service Medal (Marines). The battalion was on deployment in Afghanistan as Operation Allies Refuge began in 2021. Upon completion of training at Kuwait, the task force assumed responsibility for conducting combat operations in the Taji, Saba al Boor, Al Rasheed, Kadhamiya, Abu Ghraib, and Yusufiyah districts of Baghdad. On the night of 24 September, elements of the North Korean 105th Armored Division attacked the regiments 2d Battalion on Hill 142 near the Suwon airfield, but were repulsed with the help of artillery support. Earl R. Short (who had buried it) after his release from a POW camp, and Col. Niederpreum. By the end of that same year, the 10th Division became the . TF 431 killed or wounded 51 insurgents and captured 148, while aiding the Iraqi Army in the capture of over 1,500 additional insurgents. We seek to educate future Americans to fully appreciate the sacrifices that generations of American Soldiers have made to safeguard the freedoms of this Nation. The 31st Infantry Division was made up of: This often includes map coordinates which can be translated using Google Earth to pinpoint the G.P.S. The 31st Infantry Division ("Dixie") was an infantry division of the United States Army National Guard, active almost continuously from 1917 to 1968. 4th infantry division ww2 roster. five of Company C and four of Company H. The remaining events of 1864 must be passed quickly. Some regiments were dropped from the unit, while . [8], Elements of the division remained in France for several months longer, however. Unfortunately, the peninsula had not been provisioned with food and medicine and no help could come in from the outside after much of the Pacific fleet was destroyed at Pearl Harbor and mid-ocean bases at Guam and Wake Island were lost. After the armistice in July 1953, the 31st Infantry remained in Korea with the 7th Infantry Division. [8], Under the National Defense Act of 1920, the 39th Division was allotted to Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi, part of IV Corps, in 1921. [1] On 18 July, the War Department designated the National Guard troops of these three states to form the 31st Division. The division was ordered reduced to a record cadre on 29 October, although the 56th Field Artillery Brigade was detached to Camp Cotquidan for training. On 1 July 1923 it was reorganized, less the Arkansas units, and renamed the 31st Division, following the recommendations of a joint board of Regular and Guard officers, due to its allocation to states which raised the 31st Division in World War I. The 30th Infantry Division was regarded by SLA Marshall as the number one infantry division in the European Theater of Operations (ETO), involved in 282 days of . In September, the regiment was restored to full strength with replacements from the U.S. and Koreans (KATUSA) hastily drafted by their government and shipped to Japan for a few weeks training before returning to their homeland as members of American units. By the end of that same year, the 10th Division became the 31st. Task Force 431 suffered 28 soldiers killed in action. 33rd Infantry Division. Working daily with their sister Iraqi Army battalion to re-establish the rule of law and the legitimacy of local Iraqi forces to the area, Task Force 431 became a model vehicle of contemporary counterinsurgency theory and practice. . [6] Due to a personnel shortage caused by heavy casualties suffered in the MeuseArgonne Offensive, the 31st Division was ordered skeletonized on 17 October, and two days later the division headquarters, both infantry brigades, the 116th Machine Gun Battalion, 106th Supply Train, and 106th Train Headquarters and Military Police moved to Le Mans, with some units relocating through the Loches area, while the remaining units were detached from the division when they arrived at Brest. at Pork Chop Hill was the Kagnew Battalion. However, with the threat of war looming in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur, who was the military adviser to the Philippine government, began instituting a program for national defense and augmentation of the Philippine armed forces. also has 86 Distinguished Service Crosses. The first was constituted on 29 January 1813 and consolidated with the Regiment of Light Artillery in 1815. Mjthewiz99 31st JTF . LTC Faith was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his gallant attempt to lead the command to safety. Called into federal service: 25 November 1940; Camp Blanding, Florida (National Guard Division from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi). In 1944 it was sent to the South-West Pacific Area, fighting in the New Guinea campaign and in the Battle of Mindanao. Of the original fifty officers and 1,000 soldiers of the 3/31 Infantry during the Chosin operation, only two officers and 100 enlisted men reached the coast. The New York State National Guard Division was officially designated the 27th Infantry Division on July 20th, 1917. The combat team moved up to advanced positions and took part in the general offensive launched 13 July, including the bloody Battle of Driniumor River. During the occupation of Morotai, elements of the division, primarily the 167th Infantry Regiment, seized Mapia, 1517 November, and waded ashore on the Asia Islands, 1920 November, only to find the Japanese had already evacuated. - HQ Eighth US Army Korea, General Orders No. Activated 25 Nov 1940 Entered Combat 3 Jul 1944 Days of Combat 245 Casualties 1,733, Maj. Gen. John C. Persons (Nov 40 - Sep 44)Maj. Gen. Clarence A. Martin (Sep 44 - inactivation), Southern Philippines(27 Feb 45 - 4 Jul 45). Remaining in Vietnam, the 6th Battalion conducted an Air Assault as part of the 3rd Brigade into the Parrot's Beak, Cambodia in May 1970, making the famed "Seminole Raid" to seize and destroy a huge enemy base area bordering the Plain of Reeds. [11], The 31st Infantry (NGUS) Division was effectively reformed with units from Alabama and Mississippi, with its headquarters moving to Mobile on 10 December 1956 and back to Birmingham on 2 May 1959. Before redeployment the battalion conducted task force level air assaults and raids in enemy strongholds south of Baghdad. Of the task force's original complement of nearly 3300 men, only 385 of those who reached Marine lines at Hagaru-ri from the inlet were unwounded. In WWII the 31st Infantry Regiment was part of the US Philippine Division, after the war referred to as the 12th Infantry Division. The bowl became an important part of future regimental ceremonies. After being strengthened by Selective Service draftees, the division participated in the IV Corps Louisiana Maneuvers in August 1941, the GHQ maneuvers near Good Hope Church between September and October as part of IV Corps, and the First Army Carolina Maneuvers near Ruby and Chesterfield, South Carolina during October and November as part of IV Corps, before returning to Blanding.[9]. Its mission was to prevent allied war material left on Vladivostok's docks from being looted. There, the unit guarded a section of the International Settlement, during a period of considerable fighting between Japanese and Chinese troops. The Thirty-First Indiana Volunteer Infantry Web site contains information on the Regiments' History, Flags, Battles, Uniform and Weapons and information on my Great Great Grandfather, Andrew Gosnell.. La Croix, "Chief" Paratroops 893. The division was composed of the 4th, 7th, 30th, and 38th Infantry Regiments, the 10th, 18th, and 76th FA Regiments, and the 6th Engineer Regiment, with a total of 28,000 men. After two years of patrolling against North Korean guerrillas along the 38th Parallel, the 31st Infantry along with the 7th Infantry Division were sent to the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido where they underwent constant physical and combat training. It was originally activated as the 10th, a division established in early 1917 consisting of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia national guardsmen. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 31st Brigade, 30th Armored Division was reorganized and redesignated 1 November 1973 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 31st Armored Brigade, and relieved of assignment from the 30th Armored Division. As a professional researcher and World War II historian, Bill Beigel provides research services to genealogists, historians, authors, and civilians who are looking for information found in WW2 military unit records. The casualties suffered by a typical American infantry regiment serving in World War II were horrendous. It was inactivated in 1971. Due to the chaos of the Russian Revolution in late 1917 and the disintegration of the Eastern Front in early 1918, Russia descended into civil war and anarchy. A/4-31 and HHC/4-31 deployed to Camp Phoenix in Kabul, Afghanistan to conduct security operations for CJTF-Phoenix which was training the Afghan National Army (ANA). The 31st Infantry returned to Korea as part of MacArthur's Inchon invasion force. 31st Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.3 31st Infantry Regiment 98.3.2, 391.5.5 . As American and Filipino forces on Bataan surrendered to the Japanese on 9 April, remnants of the 31st escaped to Corregidor aboard the gunboat USS Mindanao, with the regimental colors and the prized Shanghai Bowl. The 31st Infantry was far from finished. In November 2002 the brigade was redesignated the 31st Chemical Brigade. The task force survivors were then reorganized as a provisional battalion and participated in the 1st Marine Divisions breakout to the coast at Hungnam on 6-10 December. Infantry, MacLean spotted an approaching column coming under American fire Infantry Divisions Battalion remained in France for several longer... In Korea with the 22d Infantry on 15 May 1869 and redesignated the 22d Infantry 15! Of future regimental ceremonies ROSTER - 16,376 entries, this page was last on! 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